Test Flashcards
What is Fear?
Biological process by which animals, including humans, secure the
necessary energy to do a job that really matters—one that might potentially
result n physical and/or psychological injury
Fight or Flight Syndrome
Work through the fear or run from it
What are the Symptoms of fear
Forget the words
b. Upset stomach
c. Flushed face
d. Dizziness
e. Fast heartbeat
f. Shortness of breath
g. Excessive
h. Perspiration
i. Wobbly legs (either before or after the speech)
Reasons for the Symptoms
Body is flooded with energy
b. Dislike of being evaluated or judged
Ways to Overcoming Fear
a. Accurate perception of our audience
b. Accurate perception of our speech
c. Accurate perception of ourselves
Research proves audiences
typically notice no or little anxiety in a speaker
Audiences will forgive errors if they feel:
You really care about what you are saying
ii. You really care about them
See your speech as
sharing information NOT a putting on a performance
Your Perception of Yourself
a. Have confidence in yourself,
b. Know that failure is a chance to grow
c. Remember you are human
d. Remember this is not the end of the world
e. Laugh and everyone will laugh with you
What Have You Learned about Perception?
a. Perception is a key element in building confidence
b. Don’t be tricked by your mind
Examining the Planks of Confidence
a. Select a worthwhile topic
b. Have evidence to back up your ideas(research
a. Use an outline that is easy for you and your audience to follow
a. Use notes—preferably a notecard in outline format
i. Do NOT put too many words on a single notecard
ii. Do NOT use too many notecards
b. Used correctly they can be the training wheels for your speech
i. Do NOT read the notecard to your audience
ii. You still HAVE to prepare for the speech
a. With it your audience will be much more forgiving of any errors
b. Without it your audience may tune you out
c.See the audience as individuals not a collective mass
a. First impressions ARE everything
b. “55% of what others think of you is determined before you ever open your
a. Practice, practice, practice FOR REAL
i. Do NOT simply read your notes—actually practice your speech aloud
ii. Do NOT stop writing or practicing after only the introduction and conclusion
iii. Practice more than just the words
1. Practice the eye contact
2. Practice movement
3. Practice voice clarity, strength, and tone
a. Understand your audience—know you are not the only one to ever feel nervous
b. Know the audience’s behavior may have nothing to do with you and your speech
a. Have something new or original to say
i. Personalize your speech with a personal story
a. Really believe what you are wanting to share
b. Physically—so your body is actively involved
d. Enthusiasm is catching