Test 12 Green Flashcards
- Out institutions uphold a commitment to;
a. The laws which govern the Territories in Canada
b. Peace, Order and Good Government
c. The laws which formed the country
d. Municipal and local by-laws
- What is the role of police?
a. Enforce the laws
b. Keep politicians safe
c. Settle disputes
d. Bring concerns
- What law gives Canadians the right to challenge unlawful detention?
a. British North America Act
b. Habeas Corpus
c. Multicultural rights
d. Aboriginal people’s rights
- What are the freedoms that Canadians can enjoy?
a. The freedom of committing a crime outside Canada
b. The freedom of not paying taxes
c. The freedom of driving without driver’s license throughout Canada
d. Freedom of Thought, Religion and Expression
- The House of Commons, Senate and _____________ are the three parts of Canadian parliament.
a. Members of Cabinet
b. Sovereign King/Queen
c. Supreme Court
d. Judges
- If you have to go the court but don’t have money, who can help you?
a. Law association
b. Justice Aids
c. Local legislative council
d. A criminal lawyer
- What is the one role of courts?
a. Settle disputes
b. Criminal trials only
c. Settle commercial disputes
d. Monitoring the federal elections
- Will the rights guaranteed in the Canadian charter adverse aborginals’ right and treaty or freedoms?
a. Yes, some rights and freedoms have taken away from aboriginals
b. No, it will not adversely affect any treaty or other rights or freedoms of Aborginal peoples
c. It will only adversely affect a part of the previous treaty or freedoms of Aboriginal peoples
d. It adverse the right of aboriginals but not the treaty
- Why English and French are the Official Languages of Canada?
a. English and French are widely spoken in Canada
b. The language of three founding peoples
c. Canada was formed and settled by French and English
d. French and English are first to live in Canada
- Who was the first Canadian awarded the “Victoria Cross”?
a. Lieutenant Alexander Roberts Dunn
b. Sir Wilfrid Laurier
c. John Alexander Mcdonald
d. Steel Currie
- Joy Kogawa, Michael Ondaatje and Rohinton Mistry are Canadian ____________.
a. Artists
b. Writers
c. Musicians
d. Athletes
- Who became a world record sprinter and double Olympic gold medalist?
a. Wayne Gretzky
b. Phil Edwards
c. Donovan Bailey
d. Terry Fox
- What two highest honors are available to Canadians?
a. Victoria Cross and Medal
b. Victoria Cross and Order of Canada
c. Order of Canada and National flag
d. Order of Canada and state funeral
- What institution was established by first Prime Minister in 1873?
a. Parliament
b. The House of Commons
c. Royal Canadian Mounted Police
d. North West Mounted Police
- Canada’s legal system is based on a heritage that includes “Freedom under the law, democratic principles, Due Process and _____________”.
a. Rule of law
b. Habeas Corpus
c. Everyone is guilty under the law
d. Democracy
- The only remaining part of the Parliament building is _____________ after an accidental fire in 1916.
a. The Chamber
b. The Library
c. The Banquet
d. The Lavatory
- Remembrance Day is to remember the sacrifices and died soldiers in all wars.
a. True
b. False
- Who invented the snowmobile?
a. Joseph-Armand Bombardier
b. Matthew Evans and
c. Henry Woodward
d. Indians (First Nation)
- How many steps the legislative to get a bill becomes the law?
a. 3 steps with majority approvers of House of Commons and Senate and receive a royal assent
b. 5 steps with majority approvers of House of Commons and Senate and receive a royal assent
c. 2 steps with majority approvers of House of Commons and Senate and receive a royal assent
d. 7 steps with majority approvers of House of Commons and Senate and receive a royal assent
- Canadians’ freedoms including to express whatever you want to say.
a. True
b. False