Test 1.2 Flashcards
temporomandubular joint is innervated by the _____ nerve that provides motor and sensory inntervation to the muscle that control it. This is primarily the _______ ______
Same, Trigeminal nerve
What is most of the innervation of the temporomandibular joint provided by?
Auriculotemperal nerve (75%)
in addition to the auriculotemperal nerve, what other innervation is there for the temporomandibular joint?
(sensory) deep temporal and massenteric (V3)
Primary vascularization for the temporomandubular joint is provided by?
superficial temporal branch and the external carotid artery
The condyle recieaves vascular supply through its _______ _____ from the inferior alveolar artery and ________ _______ from other branches that perforate the head from various angles
marrow spaces, feeder vessels
Three traits of the maxillary arch
Larger, Wider, Esthetics are embedded more in the maxillary arch then in the mandible.
What are the only two teeth to only have one opposing tooth?
mandibular central incisor, maxillary third molar
Traits of the plane of occlusion (4)
- Ideal plane not flat (flat plane allows for too many contacts on posterior teeth)
- proper plane of occlusion will permit simultaneous functional contacts to occur
- Curved plane allows maximum use of tooth contacts during function
- the teeth are stratigically positioned in the ARCHES at varied and coordinated degrees of inclination
How much less force is exerted on premolars then the third molars?
approximately 50% less force
What is considered a MORE STABLE occlusal contact?
Occur between a cusp tip and the depth of a fossa, or between a cusp tip and a flat surface
What is considered a LESS STABLE occlusal relationship?
When contacts occur on cuspal inclines
Class 1 Ideal occlusion
- Ideal 1st molar relationship
- Ideal canine relationship
Class 1 Malocclusion
- Ideal 1st molar
- NON-IDEAL canine relationship
- Rotated or overinclined teeth
Class 2 malocclusion
- Distally positioned first and canine relationships
- Excessive anterior horizontal overlap
Class 3 malocclusion
- Mesially postiioned first molar relationship and canine relationships
- negative horizontal overlap