Test 1 Vocab Flashcards
Air and Water Systems-
Most of the heating and cooling of each zone is accomplished via the water distribution tree, which is much thinner than the tree needed by air. For air quality—filtering, humidity, freshness—a small, centrally conditioned airstream, equal to the total fresh air required, is provided.
Air Cushion Tank
compression tank, or expansion tank is a closed tank containing air, usually located above the boiler.
Air Ducts
Duct sizes (in cross section) are frequently of interest early in the design process. Duct depths can help determine floor heights; duct cross sections influence the sizes and shapes of the vertical cores that serve multistory buildings.
Air Gaps and Vacuum Breakers
Nearly every plumbing fixture is supplied with pure water at one point, and most discharge contaminated fluids at another.
Air-Air Heat Pumps
These use the refrigeration cycle to both heat and cool, thus eliminating the distinction between furnace(or boiler) and DX cooling coils. Heat is “pumped” from indoors to outdoors in summer and from outdoors to indoors in winter. Heat pumps can transfer heat air-air, air-water, and water-water.
Air-Extract Window/Air Curtain Window/Climate Windows.
Developed in Scandinavia in the 1950s, this is a triple-glazed window that passes room air between a typical outer double-glazed window and an inner single pane. The inner pane thus is kept at very nearly the same temperature as the room air, which greatly increases comfort near windows on very cold (or very hot) days.
Alarm Gong
an alarm gong mounted on the outside of the building warns of water flow through the alarm valve upon activation of a sprinkler head.
caused by bicarbonate, carbonate, or hydroxide components
All-Air Systems
Air is the only heat transfer medium used between the mechanical room (central station) and the zones it serves, and because air holds much less heat per unit volume than water, the distribution trees for this class are quite thick.
All-Water Systems
These systems only heat and cool; the distribution trees are indeed slim. Air quality is dealt with elsewhere—either locally, by means of infiltration or windows; or by a separate fresh air supply system; or simply by fresh air from an adjacent system, such as a ventilated interior zone.
Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE)
ratio of annual fuel output energy to annual input
Audible Consumption
Is another strategy, calling attention to the flow of supply (or waste) water. This is achieved most simply by slightly undersizing water supply pipes so that the water velocity becomes audible (at about 10 fps [3 m/s]).
Automatic dry systems
pipes are filled with pressurized air, and are connected to a water supply capable of automatically meeting the firefighting demands. Through a device such as a drypipe valve, water replaces the air when a hose valve is opened.
Automatic wet systems
pipes are filled with water and are connected to a water supply capable of automatically meeting the firefighting demands. Water flows immediately upon opening of a hose valve.
requires much more extensive treatment, given its high concentration of human waste. However, this may be the easiest waste stream to eliminate
sprinklers with very low flow rates and less evaporative water loss.
Cartridge filtration
can exclude particles of 0.2 microns or smaller
Ceiling Air Supply
This approach is so widespread that many lighting fixtures are made to either serve as diffusers for supply air or as intakes for return-air. As return-air fixtures, they are especially effective because they remove much of the heat from electric lighting before it can contribute to overheating the office space below.
generated on site by adding ammonia to water containing chlorine or when water containing ammonia is chlorinated
Circuit Venting
Which permits air and gases to pass in and out of the soil or waste branch instead of at each fixture, as in the case of continuous venting (individual fixture venting)—can prevent the siphonage of trap seals or their penetration by gases.
Circulating Pumps
used to overcome the friction of flow in the piping and fittings and to deliver water at a rate sufficient to offset the hourly heat loss of the house or building.
(backwash water from reverse osmosis water treatment; condensation from a cooling coil)
a process that removes suspended matter, along with some coloration
Coefficient of Performance (COP)
for cooling, it is the ratio of the rate of heat removal to the rate of energy input in consistent units, for a complete cooling system (or factory-assembled equipment), as tested under a nationally recognized standard or designated operating conditions. For heating (heat pump), it is the ratio of the rate of heat delivered to the rate of energy input in consistent units, for a complete heat pump system as tested under designated operating conditions