Test 1 UE blocks Flashcards
Correct twitch for interscalene block
Bicep or forearm movement
Infraclavicular block see bicep twitch
Too superior
Withdraw and reinsert more caudal
Musculocutaneous nerve
Infraclavicular block see deltoid muscle response
Too inferior
Withdraw and angle more superior
Axillary nerve
Interscalene block elevation of scapula
Too posterior
Levator scapula muscle- dorsal scapular nerve
Muscles innervated by thoracodorsal nerve
Latissimus Dorsi
M- extends, adductor, medically rotates humerus
- raises body toward arms when climbing
Thoracodorsal (middle scapular nerve) origins
Posterior Cord
Interscalene block. Diaphragm stimulated
Phrenic nerve
Too anterior (between SCM and ASM)
Infraclavicular block see local twitch resembling latissimus
Subscapularis muscle
Too deep
Interscalene block. Trapezius movment in neck
Accessory nerve
To superior
Muscles innervated by radial nerve
Extension of arm, wrist, proximal finger joints, supination, thumb abduction
Musculocutaneous nerve contributors
Muscles innervated by suprascapular
Infraspinatus and Supraspinatus
S- internal capsule of shoulder
M- shoulder abduction
Muscles innervated by musculocutaneous nerve
BBC- biceps, brachialis, coracobrachialis
M- flex arm at elbow, supination
S- lateral surface of forearm (via antebrachial cutaneous) (thumb side)
Infraclavicular block stimulation wanted
Hand twitch
Infraclavicular block see arm adduction
Direct stimulation of pectoralis muscle
Too shallow
Muscles innervated by dorsal scapular nerve
Rhomboid Major and Minor
Levator Scapula
M- raises medial border of scapula up and medial
Muscles innervated by long thoracic nerve
Serratus Anterior
M- pulls medial border to scapula to posterior thoracic wall and stabilizes it
- rotates scapula with abduction of arm above a right angle
Correct placement of axillary block. Twitch want to see
Hand twitch
Nerves blocked by deep cervical plexus
Lesser Occipital
Greater Auricular
Transverse Cervical
Also ansa cervicalis, hypoglossal, accessory nerve portions
Nerves blocked with cervical plexus block
Lesser Occipital
Greater Auricular
Transverse Cervical
Medial brachial cutaneous nerve innervates
Medial upper arm
Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve innervates
Medial forearm
Dorsal scapular nerve origin
Phrenic nerve origin
Medial pectoral nerve origin
Medial cord
Axillary nerve origin
Posterior cord