Test 1- Tuesday 27th April: Christian Beliefs, Teachings and Practises Flashcards
What is the meaning of omnipotent?
Omnipotent means Go dis all-powerful, although he still allows each person free will.
What is the meaning of benevolent?
Benevolent means God is loving and caring “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son” (John 3:16 NIV) Christians try to follow his example in their actions.
What is the meaning of Just?
God judges people’s actions fairly. Those who reject him and live sinful lives will be punished, as shown in the story of the sheep and goats in Matthew 25:31-46.
God forgives people who are sorry for what they’ve done and become faithful to him- the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-31) shows God will forgive anyone who returns to his ways.
What is the meaning of Omniscient?
Omniscient means God knows everything, in the past, present and future.
What is the meaning of Eternal?
Eternal means that God has always existed, and he will continue to exist forever.
What is the meaning of Transcendent?
Transcendent means God is beyond this world- he doesn’t depend on it to exist.
What is the meaning of Immanent?
Immanent means God is present in the human world, and takes an active role in humanity.
What is the meaning of Personal?
God is a ‘person’- albeit an almighty and divine person. If God is personal, then a relationship is possible through prayer.
Name a quote that signifies the importance of the Trinity:
Matthew 3:16-17 “saw the Spirits of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.’”
What is the Nicene Creed:
In 325 AD Church leaders from around the world gathered at the Council of Nicaea. They produced a creed- a statement of beliefs. This was further developed at the Council of Constantinople in 381 AD, and is known as the Nicene Creed.
What is the role of the Father in the Trinity?
-God the Father is the God of the old testament. He created Heaven and Earth and sustains them. God the Father might be described as the transcendent part of God.
-‘Father’ is a mark of respect for God, and is used by Jesus in the Gospels:
“Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:58 NIV)
What is the role of the Son in the Trinity?
- Christians believe Jesus in the incarnation of God is human form. He is seen as both divine and human- the immanent and personal part of God, who understands human suffering.
- Jesus provides a model for Christian behaviour in obedience to God the Father. The Gospels contain a record of his life and teachings and are an important source of guidance for Christians for how they should live their lives.
What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the Trinity?
- Holy Spirit is the presence of God in the world.
- Before his death, Jesus promised his disciples “I will ask Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you for ever- the Spirit of truth.” (John 14:16-17 NIV)
- Holy Spirit is seen as immanent yet impersonal part of God- it continues to guide the Church.
- Some believe Holy Spirit guides them personally in being good Christians.
In which book is the creation story described?
Genesis chapter 1 says God created everything.
What happened on each day in the creation story?
Day 1: light and darkness were made
Day 2: the sky was made
Day 3: oceans, land and plants on the land were created
Day 4: the sun, moon and stars were made.
Day 5: creatures of the water and sky.
Day 6: land animals and people.
Day 7: God rested.
Which quote describes how the Trinity were involved in the creation of the universe:
“the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, Let there be light, and there was light.” Genesis 1:2-3 NIV
Which quote signifies that Jesus was vital for creation?
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made, without him nothing was made that has been made.” John 1:1-3 NIV
What different ways is the Creation Story interpreted?
-Fundamentalists- these Christians take it literally. Exact word of God. Process did take 6 days, and humans descended from Adam and Eve.
-In Bible it says that the universe was created in 6 days, and on the 7th day he rested. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
-God has the ability to created anything “ex-nihilo”.
-They also believe order of events happened exactly, word for word like in Bible. They believe it is true because God created the Bible and they should believe it as God is omnipotent and is capable of doing extraordinary feats like creating the universe.
(Weak argument because there is scientific evidence that it took thousands of years (such as fossils and carbon dating) that proves the world wasn’t made in 6 days).
- Liberals- other Christians are more liberal in understanding of Biblical events- genesis is more of a parable or symbolic description- they acknowledge God as creator but are open to other theories, like Big Bang Theory and evolution.
- “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made.”
Creation Story shows us that God is eternal, benevolent and omnipotent.
What do Christians believe about life after death?
- Afterlife:
- They believe in Heaven and Hell.
- The idea that body may die or decay and soul will live on.
- immortality of soul.
- body will be resurrected on Judgement Day (just like Jesus after crucifixion).
- God will judge you- either go to heaven or hell.
- Heaven is portrayed as a place of beauty, where you will spend eternity with God, as long you have believed in Jesus and followed teachings, you can be saved by God’s grace.
- “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.”
- Hell is portrayed as a place of torment and pain- final destination of nonbelievers and those who led bad lives.
- “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
- Some see Heaven and Hell as states of mind.
- Some believe in Purgatory, here sins are punished and person must undergo purification before soul can move on to heaven.
What do Christians believe about resurrection?
- Happens at the last judgement
- Jesus will return to Earth in the second coming.
- Everyone who died will be resurrected.
- “in Christ all will be made alive.”
- Some believe all of humanity will be judged at Last Judgement- story of sheep and goats (Matthew 25:31-46)
What is the incarnation ?
- The act by which God became a human being as Jesus Christ.
- An angel told a woman called Mary in Nazareth that she would have a son- the “holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.”
- This belief is stated in Nicene Creed.
- Christians believe that Jesus was fully God and fully man.
What is ascension?
- 40 days after resurrection, many of Jesus’ disciples met him alive in various places around Jerusalem.
- Jesus then “ascended into Heaven” to be with God.
- Jesus tells disciples that “he will prepare a place” for them in heaven.
- Ascension shows Jesus’ power- he is now “at the right hand of the mighty God.”
Explain what Christians believe about the original sin:
- Jesus died to save humanity
- original sin means that everyone is born capable of sin.
- Many Christians believe that Jesus’ suffering and death won forgiveness for everyone and ensured their redemption.
- They believed Jesus was perfect, but God placed all the world’s sins on him at his crucifixion.
- His sacrifice paid for their sins, so they have faith in him.
- Jesus’ actions brought reconciliation between God and humanity- atonement
- His power and goodness was so great that after he was crucified, death couldn’t keep hold of him.
- Many believe that Jesus’ death wasn’t required for a loving and merciful God to be able to forgive sins.
- love “keeps no record of wrongs.”
- Jesus’s death shows God’s love for human kind through his willingness to suffer and die as humans do.
What is Salvation?
Salvation means the soul being saved from death and sin, allowing it to reach heaven.
- Christians believe they must have faith in Jesus.
- “Salvation is found in no one else.”
- Salvation is only possible through God’s grace.
- “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith… it is the gift of God.”
- If they are a true believer, they will lead a Christian life.
- They will follow 10 Commandments.
- Holy Spirit helps guide Christians to follow teachings of God and his laws and keep their faith, helping them find salvation.
What is Liturgical worship?
- Who? Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Churches.
- Church Service that follows set structure or ritual.
- Priest led, set order, formal prayers, bible readings, sermon, hymns sung.
- ADVAN.: sense of community, no surprises, any catholic or other church
- same no matter what country.
- DISADVAN.: boring, repetitive, not personal, leader may be manipulative.
What is Non-Liturgical worship?
- service which does not follow a set text or ritual.
- spontaneous or charismatic.
- set themes, emphasis on word God in bible, bible readings, sermons, hymns or prayers.
- WHO? non conformists, baptists
- ADVAN.: exciting, not boring, you will listen, can be personal.
- DISADVAN: not good if you’re in a foreign country, surprises, some people live a set schedule.
What is Informal Worship?
No set structure.
- Quakers, House churches
- no themes, spontaneous songs, prayers, readings from bible.
- ADVAN: personal
- no need for church.
- anyone can go
- community
DISADVAN: can be boring.
What is a sacrement?
- A ceremony carried out by a priest through which Christians believe they receive God’s grace.
- Outward acceptance of God.
What is Baptism?
- Jesus was baptised.
- “go make disciples, baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”
- “No one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.”
- cleanses people of original sin.
- babies are baptised.
- adults are baptised. (called believers baptism)
- total immersion, cross made on baby, holy water is poured three times on forehead.
- Confirmation- person confirms their faith when they reach an age that they can declare it themselves.
What is the Eucharist?
- Where Christians remember the Last Supper with bread and wine.
- Many denominations see it as a sacrament.
What are pilgrimages important?
- Offers opportunity for spiritual growth
- Closer to God.
- Particular purpose- sick person.
- meet christians from different cultures and backgrounds. Strengthens faith.
What aren’t pilgrimages important?
- Often costly and shows poor stewardship, money could be put to better use.
- eg charity.
- not necessary as spiritual development can be gained through regular church attendance.
Describe pilgrimage to lourdes:
- miracles happen there.
- some pray for miracle of their own- healing.
- large crowds.
- Mary appeared there.
Describe pilgrimage to Iona:
- Small island which is quiet and peaceful.
- personal reasons
- spend time praying and studying bible.
- alone, personal connection to God.
Why is Christmas important?
- Jesus was born
- |”a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.”
- time for prayer and reflection.
- gifts exchanged to symbolise Jesus was God’s gift to the world.
- Modern traditions devalue the true meaning of Christmas.
Why is Easter Important?
- Most important festival to christians
- it celebrates Jesus’s victory over death, when God raised him back to life
- reminds people that God loves them and is willing to suffer death on the cross and gives hope for eternal life.
- Churches hold services- community and bring closer to God.
- Symbol of new life.
- Chocolates eggs are commercialised .
What is Evangleism?
- Spreading the Christian message with the aim of converting people.
- Jesus told disciples to “Go onto all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
- People should do same.
- Discover real purpose in life and find salvation.
- Other people will feel Jesus’ love.
- telling someone directly about God can make some people offended.
- Others try to demonstrate God’s love through their actions, to bring people closer to God.