TEST 1 REVIEW Flashcards
from receptor to brain
from brain to organ
Peripheral nervous system maintains homeostasis through
dual innervation, antagonistic action between parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems
purkinje neuron
major output neuron of the cerebellum
glial cells – involved in blood brain barrier maintenance by enveloping endothelial capillaries, development of new circuits, repair, release gliotransmitters, and tripartite system of connection
where are action potentials generated
axon hillock
the four functional neural zones
reception, integration, conduction, transmission
location of signal reception
dendrites and cell body
location of signal integration
axon hillock
location of signal conduction
AP travelling down axon
location of signal transmission
release of NT at axon terminals
differences between axons and dendrites
Axons do not branch dendrites taper as well as branch, dendrites have spines and axons are smooth
membrane becomes less negative
membrane returns to resting value
membrane becomes more negative
equilibrium potential
potential at which an ion is at equilibrium across the membrane i.e. there is no net movement of that ion across the membrane, calculated using the Nernst equation
goldman equation
weighted average of equilibrium potentials for all ions with permeability to that cell
electrotonic current spread
charge spreads through cytoplasm causing changes in adjacent membrane potential, no contribution from VG channels, primarily ligand gated
Characteristics of APs
Triggered by net graded potential reaching threshold potential at axon hillock, Caused by opening and closing of ion gated channels, Do not degrade over time, travel long distances, All or none size, duration, and shape which are the same in a given neuron but not necessarily among a population of neurons, Occur IN axons, Self propagating, Electrotonic spread, Have a regenerative cycle
Channel activity in an AP
o VG Na channel opens in depolarization
o VG K channels open more slowly in repolarization
o VG Na channels close and K channels close more slowly in hyperpolarization
Hodgkin cycle
a positive feedback loop that drives depolarization – opening of Na channels causes influx of Na causing further depolarization and more Na channels to open
VG Na channels at rest
activation gate closed
VG Na channels during depolarization
activation gate open
VG Na channels during repolarization
inactivation gate closed, activation gate open
Saltatory conduction
APs leap from node to node, does not degrade like regular electrotonic current spread because APs are regenerated at nodes – the alternating of electrotonic conduction with new APs along the axon
cause of absolute refractory period
closure of inactivation gate of Na channels during hyperpolarization
Factors that lower intracellular Ca
o Binding with intracellular buffers
o Ca ATPases
[Ca] at high frequency APs
Ca influx is greater than removal, ↑ [Ca], many synaptic vesicles release their contents, high [neurotransmitter] in synapse
Electrochemical driving force
|Vm – Eion|
Cholinergic transmission
acetyl CoA (from mitochondria) + choline»_space;choline acetyl transferase»_space; Ach, released by exocytosis, broken down by AchE in synapse, choline re-entered by presynaptic cell while acetate diffuses out of the synapse
Electrical synapse
gap junction - allows movement of small molecules/ions without having to cross membrane
gap junction
Made with 1 hemmichannel/cell, connexon formed of 6 connexins
Chemical synapse
chemical messenger crosses synaptic cleft – increases diversity of signals that can be passed through the synaptic cleft
PNS chemical synapses
axon terminals, varicosities
CNS chemical synapses
En passant synapse, spine synapse
Characteristics of NTs
o Synthesized in neurons
o Released at presynaptic cell following depolarization
o Bind to postsynaptic receptor and cause a detectable effect
o Mechanism of inactivation
Types of NTs
o Amino acids o Neuropeptides o Biogenic amines o Acetylcholine o Miscellaneous (gases, purines)
Inhibitory NTs
cause hyperpolarization of postsynaptic cells (IPSP), make cell less likely to generate AP
Excitatory NTs
cause depolarization of membrane (EPSP), make cell more likely to generate AP
Ionotropic receptors
ligand gated ion channels, fast e.g. nicotinic Ach receptors
Metabotropic receptors
changes shape, formation of second messenger, alters opening of ion channel, slow, leads to long term changes via second messengers
Nicotinic receptor
always excitatory, ionotropic, 5 subunits, Na, Ca in
Muscarinic receptor
metabotropic, g-protein coupled, 7TM subunits, activates cAMP (PKA)
Biogenic amines
serotonin and the catecholamines
tyrosine derived - NE, E, dopamine
Synaptic facilitation
repeated AP results in increased Ca released in axon terminal, increased NT released
Synaptic depression
repeated APs decrease NT release, progressive depletion of readily releasable pool
Post-tetanic potentiation
train of high frequency APs leads to increased NT release, believed to involve Ca dependent increase in NT containing vesicles in axon terminal which might lead to recruitment of vesicles from reserve pool
Alzheimer’s treatment
AchE inhibitors; found reduced level of Ach in the brain of alzheimers patients, wanted to increase Ach in brain to help that, but problem is Ach deficiency is symptom, problem is the plaques that cause NT reduction
Depression treatment
Prozac – selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, treats symptom not cause
Generator potential
sensory receptor IS the primary afferent neuron
Receptor potential
sensory receptor is separate from the primary afferent neuron – requires an NT from receptor to afferent neuron creating a graded potential that triggers an AP
detect distant stimuli
detect stimuli on outside of body
stimuli inside the body
Stimulus modality
what type of energy the stimulus responds to
Adequate stimulus
preferred stimulus modality
ampullae of lorenzini
detect pressure, temperature, electrical fields at end of canal at the base of which lies gel that is in constant contact with water – receptor potentials
Theory of labeled lines
discrete pathway from the sensory cell to the integrating centre
Lateral inhibition
signals from neurons at the centre of a receptive field inhibit neurons on the periphery – to determine locations of stimuli