Test 1- Other Flashcards
Multinational enterprise (MNE)
a firm that engages in foreign direct investment (FDI) by directly investing in, controlling, and managing value-added activities in other countries.
2 parts of global business
- international (cross border) business activities by the foreign firm
- domestic business activities
Most Important Emerging Economies (BRIC)
Brazil Russia India China
Triad Countires
North America
Western Europe
Institution-based view
- Success/failure is enabled/constrained by institutions
- focuses on external environment
- institutions = rules of the game
- Formal rules (laws) and informal rules ( values)
Resource-based view
focuses on internal resources and capabilities and how they overcome the odds against them in foreign markets
- the close integration of countries and peoples of the world
- pendulum view (not recent or one directional, process similar to a swing of a pendulum
- humanly devised constraints that structure human interaction
- not static -constrain what is acceptable
- key role is to reduce uncertainty (to reduce transaction costs
3 institutional pillars
- Regulatory:
- primary support pillar for formal institutions
- coercive power of the governments. - Normative
- support pillar for informal institutions
- how values, beliefs, and actions of other relevant players (ie norms) influence the behavior of focal individuals and firms - Cognitive
- support pillar for informal institutions
- internalized values and beliefs that guide behavior
Institution based view 2 core propositions
- Managers and firms rationally pursue their interest and make choices within institutional constraints
- In situations where formal constraints are unclear or fail, informal constraints play a larger role in reducing uncertainty and providing consistency
3 major aspects of informal institutions
- Culture
- Ethics
- Norms
the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one group of people from another
4 components of Culture
- language
- religion
- social structure -the way a society organizes its members–with rigidity or flexibility
- Social stratification: hierarchical arrangement of individuals into social categories
- social mobility: degree to which members from a lower social category can achieve a higher status - education
3 ways to understand cultural differences
- Context: the underlying background upon which social interactions take place.
- Low context cultures: communication is usually taken at face value without much reliance on unspoken context (ie US and the west)
- high context cultures: communication relies heavily on - Cluster: groups similar cultures together
- Dimension approaches
Dimension approach’s 5 dimensions
- Power distance: the extent to which less powerful members within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally
- Individualism vs. collectivism: -individualism: perspective that the identity of an individual is fundamentally his/her own. -collectivism: identity is primarily based on his/her collective group
- Gender differentiation- traditional gender roles or not
- Uncertainty avoidance: extent to which members in different cultures accept ambiguous situations and tolerate uncertainty. effects resistance to change
- Long term vs. Short term orientation -long: emphasizes perseverance and savings for the future -short: prefer quick results and instant gratification
principles, standards, and norms of conduct governing individual and firm behavior
Ethical realtivism
when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Follow the ethics of the country you are in
Ethical Imperialism
belief that “there is only one set of ethics and we have it.”
Ethics: 3 middle of the road approachs
- respect for human dignity and basic rights should determine the absolute minimal ethical thresholds for all operations around the world
- respect for local traditions suggest cultural sensitivity
- respect for institutional context calls for a careful understanding of local institutions
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
investing in, controlling, and managing value-added activities in other countries.
Gross Natioanl Product
Measured as the sum of value added by resident firms, households, and government operating in an economy
Gross Domestic Product
Total market value of all final goods and services produced withing a country in a given period of time
Gross national income
GDP plus income form nonresident sources abroad
Purchasing Power Pariety
Adjustment made to the GDP to reflect difference in the cost of living
Liability of foreignness
Inherent disadvantage that foreign firms experience in host countries because of their nonnative status.
strategy that suggest that barriers to market integration at borders are high bt not high enough to completely insulate countries from each other
2 types of nongovernment organizations (NGOs)
- advocacy - environmentalists, human rights activists, consumers, etc. that raise awareness, acceptance and knowledge by lobbying, press work and activist events
- operational
- design and implementation of development related projects that may stress service delivery or participation; whether religious or secular; whether more public or private-oriented
- can be community based, national or international
global economy =
sum national economies (GDPs) + sum of all economic interactions (Trade flows of goods or services (~25 trillion), Human flows (migration of workers, tourist, etc.), and Capital flows (Foreign Direct Investment,
3 Types of Economies
- Market: Characterized by the “invisible hand” of market forces; government takes a hands-off, or laissez faire approach
- Command: Government taking the “commanding height” in the economy;
- all factors of production are government- or state owned and controlled,
- all supply, demand, and pricing are planned by the government - Mixed: Elements of both market economy and command economies