Test 1 Notes Flashcards
What was the most densely populated area in the Americas when the Europeans FIRST arrived? Why?
West Coast; b/c climate was more tamed
The population of Americans before EU arrived?
~ 4 Million; about the same as England at the time
Differences between Tribes / Native nations
Language (not intercommunicating)
Ethnicities: They dont see themselves as one people (no one native ppl identity)
Different historical backgrounds
Similarities between Tribes / Native nations
Animal Interactions: Similar animals ALL throughout the Americas
Views on Food
Little emphasis on accumulating WEALTH
No strict social hierarchy
No concept of land ownership
What religious concepts did Native Americans all have in common?
How did Animalism influence Native Americans?
Influence their world views and how they interacted with nature (i.e didn’t hunt for SPORT)
How did Native Americans view food?
They all viewed it as a necessary need for survival
What is a limiting factor for population?
Food Supply
What did Native Americans do to get their food before Agriculture?
Foragers / Hunters
WHEN and WHERE did agriculture start to develop in MESOMERICA?
700 - 1200
What did Native Americans do with crop overflow?
How did this affect interactions between tribes / Nations?
Trade it; Form a trading system between tribes / nations
WESTERN REGION: West Pacific Coast
Lots of food
Restrictions lead to technological advances: Irrigation
Nomatic behavior was limited; mainly lived in PUEBLITOS
CENTRAL REGION: Mississippi River area
River system allowed for CANOE TRANSPORTATION
Trans. lead to a large trading system
Home to the biggest civilization of the time:
Cahokia PEAKED @ 30,000
Lots of war in between natives; THIS led to alliances (IROQUOIS CONFEDERACY)
Interacted with all the Europeans
What led to the Spanish stumbling on the Americas?
Ottoman Empire Expansion and capture of CONSTANTINOPLE lead to the TAX trade of the EU Merchants for Asian goods that come from the Silk road.
Need to find NEW passage to INDIA to acquire NICE GOODS
Christopher Columbus
1492: Sails out
4 Voyages
Doest find anything but Spaniards start to settle there
Spaniards start to settle there
Columbian Exchange
Bring stuff from the Americas back to EU
Plants and diseases get exchanged.
New World Plants
Tobacco, Rubber, Vanilla, Cacao, Tomatoes
Old World Plants
Rice, Citrus Fruit, Onions
What happened to the Native population after interacting with Christopher Columbus?
They ALL died; 100%
What was the disease that killed 90% of the Native population?
Spanish Settlements in N.A
1565 - Florida
1598 - New Mexico
French settlements in N.A
1608 - New France
What was the focus of the Spanish Settlements in N.A?
- Used as outposts
- To watch for incoming threats
What was the focus of the French settlements in N.A?
Fish and Fur
Stablish Fur trade with NATiVES; 2/3 of trades with them
- BEAVERS - Water-resistant Hats
- Trade leads to friendly interactions between French and Natives
Netherlands settlements in N.A
1613 - New Netherlands
What was the focus of the Netherlands settlements in N.A?
What was the driving factor for England to get Colonies?
They desperately needed valuables for the international trade
The main thing was WOOL
- Needed pastures for SHEEP
Why did the WORKING CLASS of England move to the Americas?
- No jobs in England
- Religious conflict (Protestantism vs. Church of England)
What was the first effort by the English to establish land in the Americas?
1585 - Roanoke
1585 - Roanoke
Funded by a Joint-Stock Company (bunch of rich ppl come together to fund)
1809 - LOST DUDE no one knows what happened
What is a CHARTER?
Royal Stamp of Approval that gives the joint-stock companies exclusive rights to a certain region
What was the 2nd effort to settle in the Americas by England?
1609 - Virginia
1st English settlement in the Americas?
1607 - Jamestown
Jamestown, Virginia
- The House of Burgesses is established
- Tobacco is its main source of profit
What was the House of Burgesses?
1st self-governing English govt of Jamestown
Powhatan War 1622 - 1632
- Natives are on the land and wont give it up
- English poison Natives and burn their fields
- Natives FLEE WEST
Bacon’s Rebellion 1676
Indentured Servants revolt
Who led Bacon’s Rebellion 1676? Why?
Nathaniel Bacon
- Wanted to change the system
What was an Indentured Servant?
People willing to work for FREE for a certain amount of years WITHOUT PAY
In RETURN, free passage to the Americas and land after contract is done
1632 - Maryland
Catholic settlement
- Everyone was catholic in Maryland
Obtained charter through connections to the King
Where were the NEW ENGLAND Colonies?
Everything NORTHEAST of present-day NY
1620 - Plymouth
- Largely Puritan
- Mayflower Compact
What was the Mayflower Compact?
- The first governing document of Plymouth Colony
How did people end up in New England?
Got run off course but it worked out well lol
Who are Puritans?
- Sub-split from the Anglican Church
- They didnt like that the Anglican Church was too similar to the Catholic churtch
Why are they called Puritans?
Wanted to purify the Anglican Church
Why did the Puritans come to the Americas?
Religious conflict in England
What was the difference between the farming done in Virginia and New England?
Plymouth (New England): Farm for survival; land not sustainable for large crops
Jamestown (Virginia): Farming for WEALTH