Test 1- Modules 1,2,3 Flashcards
Attitude is the relation of the fetal parts to ______ __________; specifically the degree of ________ or _______ of the fetal _________.
each other; flexion or extension of the fetal head
__________ is the part of the fetus that lies over the pelvic inlet.
List the three presentations:
- cephalic- head first
- breech - pelvis first
- shoulder
Presenting part is the most ___________ part of the fetus, or the part felt during a _________ _______.
dependent; vaginal exam
In a cephalic presentation, the presenting part could be ________, ___________, or __________.
vertex, brow, or face.
What is the occiput and where is it located?
Occipital bone; behind the posterior fontanelle (back of the fetal head)
What is the sinciput and where is it located?
The area between the anterior fontanelle and the orbital ridges (upper margin of eye sockets). This is the brow or front of the fetal head.
What is the vertex and where is it located?
The area between the posterior and anterior fontanelles. This is the top of the fetal head.
When the attitude is partially extended, the _________ is the presenting part.
The __________attitude describes a fetal head and spine in a ____________ postition. It is neither ______ nor __________.
military; neutral.
flexed nor extended.
_____________ is when the fetal head is tilted toward the shoulder.
In anterior asynclitism, the anterior __________ bone descends first and the saggital suture is closest to the__________.
parietal; sacrum
In posterior asynclitism, the posterior __________ bone descends first and the saggital suture is closest to the__________.
parietal; symphisis pubis
If the fetal head is _____ and the fetal head is __________, the saggital suture is equidistance between the sacrum and ______ ________.
OT - occiput transverse
symphisis pubis
The presenting diameter is ___________ when the head is asynclitic.
Asyncliticism is not ____________, but can interfere with _________ _____________ if it remains through descent.
abnormal; internal rotation
_________________ is when the widest diameter of the presenting part is at or below the __________ ________.
Engagement; pelvic inlet
__________ is the relationship of the long axis of the fetus to the long axis of the mother.