Test 1 Lecture Review Flashcards
What forms of primary sources are there?
Literary texts, epigraphical evidence, papyrological evidence, archaeological evidence, iconographic evidence, numismatic evidence (coins)
Limitations of literary evidence?
Perspective was usually wealthy males and aristocrats, error in transmission, and these works usually had an educational purpose that promoted bias
What was the twelve-city league?
Etruscan city-states came together at the Fanum Voltumnae near Volsinii for religious and political meetings
What is Lupa Capitolina?
Who were the Etruscan Kings?
- L. Tarquinius Priscus
- Servius Tullius
- Tarquin the Proud
What did Tarquin the Proud accomplish?
Building the temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
What tradition indicates the fall of the monarchy?
Lucretia’s rape and subsequent suicide in 509 BCE
Who were the first consuls elected?
L. Tarquinius Collatinus and M. Junius Brutus
What three pieces of archaeological evidence of the kingdom is there?
Rex sacrorum, regia, lapis niger
What is the rex sacrorum and regia?
- King of the sacrifices dated to the fall of the monarchy
- Regia implies existence of a palace
What is rex written in relation to?
Sacred rituals
What is early roman society based in?
Mos maiorum: “way of the ancestors”
What were the two social classes of early roman society?
Patricians and plebeians
What were roman social relations based in? What system supports this idea?
Reciprocal duty and responsibility
- Clientela
What is clientela?
Relationship between patron and client
- Maintained status quo and patrician privilege
- Limited the use of violence to settle disputes
Who oversaw the Vestal Virgins and other state priests?
Pontifex Maximus
What is the capitoline triad?
Jupiter, Juno, Minerva
How was religion integrated into life in roman society?
Festivals and the calendar, etc.
What did roman religion emphasize?
What were early members of the senate referred to as?
Patres, patricians were based on them
Who writes that Romulus appointed these members of the senate?
What is the pomerium?
Sacred boundary of the city
What is the domus?
Area within the pomerium “home”
What is militia?
The world outside–area of military service
What is res publica populi romani?
Communal affairs of the roman people
How did romans balance individual power in the republic?
Magistrates always came in boards of either two or more
What is the cursus honorum?
Pattern of holding office
What was the order in pursuit of a public career?
Quaestor, aediles (optional), praetor, consul, censor (optional)
What is imperium in relation to magistrates?
The power to command an army outside the pomerium and enforce punishment inside the pomerium
What is auspicia?
Right to determine the will of the gods by the flight of the birds
What was the max. holding of office for a dictator?
6 months
What are lictors?
The 24 “bodyguards” of the dictator that carried bundles of rods called fasces
Which magistrates had imperium?
Consuls, praetors, and dictators
Which magistrates did not have imperium?
Censors, aediles, quaestors
What is vigintivirate?
A board of 20 minor offices that gave young politicians their start in government (usually minor jobs)
What is an interrex?
Position appointed for purpose of providing continuity of the government in an extreme emergency
What was the role of the tribunes of the plebs?
- Represented the plebeians
- Could only vote yes or no to proposed laws
- Sacrosanct
What was the centuriate assembly?
Originally the political representation of the army?
What is the XII Tables?
First written law code
- Regulated the concerns of an agricultural society
Which law forbid the intermarriage between patrician and plebeian families?
Valerio-Horatian Laws in 449 BCE
What is pietas?
Devotion to the country or self-sacrifice for the good of the republic
What is bellum iustum?
Roman belief they were fighting with the gods on their side
What is the significance of Cincinnatus?
Plucked from his farm to save Rome from the Aequi as dictator
- Strengthened the idea of Romans as warrior-farmers
What early conflict had a significant impact on Rome’s collective memory and self-identity?
Sack of Rome by the Gauls
- Viewed as a near-death experience
What is municipium optimo iure?
Full roman citizenship
What is municium sine suffragio?
No right to vote but expected to enroll in troop levies and pay taxes
What is the Latin right granted to allies that provided troops?
Right to intermarry and do business with the Romans and the right to move to Rome
What were the three defining conflicts in the republic?
Tarentum and Pyrrhus, and the two against Carthage
What were the origins of the Pyrrhic War?
Romans established colonies in Apulia
- Thurii, Croton, Locri, and Rhegion
Who was Pyrrhus?
King of Epirus
Who was the second punic war led by?
Hannibal Barca and then his son in-law Hasdrubal
How did Rome respond to two major defeats?
Appointed Q. Fabius Maximus as dictator
What were Q. Fabius Maximus’ tactics during the second punic war?
Avoided facing the Carthaginian army directly
- Better to tire out Hannibal through harassment than through open battle
Why did negotiations with Rome fail?
They pledged everything to victory
What was the treaty between Philip V of Macedon and Hannibal?
He provided naval supports and contingents of troops
Why did the first Macedonian war in 214-205 BCE arise?
Started a campaign in Greece to keep Philip occupied
Who was elected proconsul to lead the war in Spain?
P. Cornelius Scipio
What is Scipio acclaimed that is the first of this type of acclamation of triumph recorded?
Imperator (general)
What region did Antigonids possess?
What area did the Seleucids possess?
Modern Turkey and Syria
What area did the Ptolemies possess?
Characteristics of the second macedonian war?
Defensive war to protect the Roman protectorate in Illyria
What famous proclamation was there during the second macedonian war?
Roman consul proclaimed in Corinth at the Isthmian games that the Greek cities would be free
- was a common motif during war
What caused the Third Macedonian War?
Transportation of a Queen for her wedding was seen as a pro-Macedonian act
Motivation behind the third punic war?
Carthage “must be destroyed”
How did the third punic war conclude?
Romans captured Carthage and made it the province of Africa, governed by a proconsul