Test 1 - Images Flashcards
MDx: valvular endocarditis, diffuse, chronic, severe
EtDx: Bacterial endocarditis
What is the image of?
What kind of cell adaptation is this?
Canine uterus
Calf - MDx
MDx: eye, corneal opacity/clouding - occurs after 6-10 hours. It is usually bilateral and the eye is sunken.
What is this?
MALTs - lymphoid tissue in the intestines.
They may be more prevalent depending on whether there is more
These are normal to see.
MDx: Kidney - nephritis, chronic, multifocal, severe
EtDx: Coronaviral nephritis
Disease: FIP
Describe the lesion.
What is the etiology?
The mucosa surrounding the cardia is lost and there is a well-demarcated ulcer. This is a metabolic disease.
Etiology: ingestion of finely ground grain or pelleted feed (possibly deficient in vitamen E), fermentation of sugars in the feed, stress of confinement rearing
What is wrong with this image?
It is a 5mo old puppy with suspected parvovirus
The tissues are not fresh and so you don’t know if the change is true or not.
Explain this change.
Is it a PM or antemortem change?
What species does it normally occur?
Chicken fat clot due to the separation of RBCs from serum.
This is a PM change.
Normal in horses because of the high sedimentation speed.
Describe the change in the image and state the MDx.
Which side is normal?
Thickened epidermis, irregular and protruding (hyperplasia)
MDx: Squamous cell carcinoma in situ
Right side is normal
What is the cause of the frothy fluid in the trachea?
Pulmonary edema and congestion in the lungs. Also look for heavy/wet lungs with rib imprints.
Image - the lungs should be pink.
Describe the cell adaptation occurring in this image.
Metaplasia - change in phenotype from normal columnar to squamous
Bovine - MDx
Bilateral, symmetrical thyroid gland hyperplasia, thyroid goiter
What kind of cardiac hypertrophy is this?
What are the implications?
Bilateral, Eccentric cardiac hypertrophy
The chambers regress from the inside out and so chamber volume increases.
Cat - MDx, Etiology
MDx: Cerebellum - diffuse congenital hypoplasia
Etiology: in utero feline panleukopenia virus infection (feline parvovirus)
Notes: Cerebellar hypoplasia - Cerebellum is not fully developed because precursors for that cell were destroyed in utero.
Another cause for this is BVD in ruminants.
Cow - MDx
MDx: Normal (hemorrhage), artifact during slaughtering process
Due to capillary fragility, spontaneous hemorrhage can be seen.
Disease Name
MDx: heart - pericarditis, suppurative, diffuse, chronic, severe
Cause - various bacteria
Disease name: hardware disease
Notes: pericardium is severely thickened and there is suppurative secretion
What kind of cell adaptation is this?
Describe the morphological cell changes.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Regular cell arrangement is lost and the nucleus is no longer centrally located (see normal image below)
Dog - MDx
Kidney - hydronephrosis (accumulation of urine) with secondary severe diffuse cortical atrophy.
MDx2: ureter - hydroureter
What is this?
Amniotic plaques. Normal findings.
What is this?
Normal equine fetus hoof
Describe the shape of the lesion.
Based on the shape, what does it tell you about the pathology?
Geometric - this means that vasculature was involved.
This is ischemic necrosis, hemorrhage is secondary to that.
Describe the margins of this lesion.
What does this tell you?
These margins are poorly demarcated.
This tells you that the lesion and adjacent tissue may be similar.
The process is gradually infiltrating normal tissue and is poorly contained.
What is this?
Cervical star - where the placenta was attached during pregnancy in a horse.
Normal finding.
Describe this adaptation.
Epidermal hyperplasia.
Hepatosis dietetica (nutritional hepatic necrosis)
Deficiency of vitamin E and/or Selenium
What is this?
Pulp kidneys in sheep - accelerated renal autolysis associated with Clostridium perfingens type D septicemia. Kidneys are soft and friable.
You can tell it is due to C. perfingens because the specimen has been dead for only 2 hours and ONLY the kidneys look like this. This is a result of accelerated autolysis due to toxins produced by the bacterium.
Dog - MDx
Muscle atrophy
Head muscles - atrophy, diffuse, severe
Pleural cavity - acute hemorrhage (hemothorax)
Describe what’s wrong with the heart and notable changes.
What kind of cell adaptation is this?
This is cardiac hypertrophy from hypertension or aortic valve disease. There is a notable depression on the right side of the heart.
Large amount of foamy reddish fluid coming out of the nasal cavities
MDx: PM artifactual nasal froth
EtDx: common artifact of dying
**May result from excercise before dying or euthanasia
What is going on in this bladder?
What species does this occur in?
Horse bladder fillled with sediment (calcium carbonate & mucous)
What is this?
Lingual hyperkeratosis of a foal. Normal after birth and will wear off.
MDx: stomach - diffuse marked chronic gastric hypertrophy. Muscle cells are enlarged as well.
Etiology: Cryptosporidium serpentis
Describe the distribution of the lesion.
Cow- kidney
Miliary - type of multifocal where there are numerous pin-point foci
What kind of cell adaptation is this?
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy