Test 1: General Flashcards
of days beforehand to stop ASA preop
coumadins antidose
vit k (takes 1-2 days to reverse)
a faster antidote to coumadin than vitamin k
herbal medicines have what more common adverse affect….
make you bleed
which of of these is not a risk factor for surgical/anesthesia complication? copd, obesity, tobacco history, neuromuscular disease, coma, history of cancer, age
history of cancer
preop for pulmonary disease should include…
baseline arterial blood gas, oxygen saturation, and a pulmonary function tests
which of these is not a treatment for pulm patients preop? 1. nebulized SABAs 2. steroids 3. chest PT 4. incentive spirometry
incentive spirometry
in a pulmonary preop workup using PFTs, if the FCV/FEV1 ratio is less than 50% you should think what about their intra-op period?
this patient has a higher risk of surgical complications
T or F, diabetics in the OR are at increased risk for infection?
Gatroparesis can cause…
who gets neurogenic bladder more commonly
does hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism put you at risk for a-fib intra op?
in a trauma, a lab test that can tell what specific clotting factors are working is called…
Routine pre-op labs for bleeding include…
PT, PTT (not INR)
a paitient with a history of kidney problems present to you for pre-op evaluation, you notice a fistula in the patients arm, what should you do?
Renal specific: obtain baseline labs (electrolytes, BUN, Cr) and order nephro consult. Additional items: patient weight, CBC, coag profile, and U/A
at what age is an EKG and Xray mandatory preop?
Low potassium and a low magnesium can cause what?
patients must be NPO _____ hours preop
Abx should be given _____ hours pre-incision
Call MD if Systolic blood pressure drops below…
Call MD if pulse is between ___&____
60, 110
Call if respiration’s exceed
Call if temp exceeds
Call if urine output is less than
250 ml per shift (or less than .5/kg/hr)
ADCVANDISAL stands for…
Admit, Diagnosis, Condition, Vitals, Allergies, Nursing, Diet, IV/I&O, Special orders (consults), Activity, Labs
acute abdomen accounts for what % of all ER visits
Appys reveal themselves within ____ hours after onset of pain
24 hours
which of these is not a potential cause of extra-abdominal pain. 1) Diabetic Ketoacidosis 2) Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus 3) Sickle Cell Crisis 4) Divertiulitis 5) Herpes Zoster 6) Pneumonia 7) Myocardial Infarcation
flank echymosis d/t pancreatitis is called
Gray Turners sign
periumbilical echymosis d/t pancreatitis is called
Cullens Sign
Perforation of esophagus from vomiting is called
Boehave’s Syndrome (oh behave) LIFE THREATENING
preop imaging study to r/o abdominal perforation
plain film (abdominal xray)
dilated loops of small bowel d/t nearby inflammation such as pancreatitis or appendicitis are called
sentinel loops
best imaging study for intusucception
barium or air enema (diagnostic and therapeutic) (also good for to eval a volvulus or diverticulum)
currant jelly stools mean
definitive test for acute choly
HIDA (MRI in pregnancy)
pain out of proportion to the exam
ischemic bowel. patient will likely have a vascular history.
tx for ischemic bowel
emergency laparotomy (correct the metabolic acidosis, check lactate hopefully < 2.)
how you best dx an ischemic bowel
Whats it called when pain in the shoulder is referred from splenic rupture
Kehr’s sign
appendicitis, gradual or acute onset?
MCC of appy?
what kind of appy presents with dysuria and hematuria?
retrocecal appendix
gold standard modality for ruptured ectopic
tx for diverticulitis
bowel rest, antibiotics flagyl, zosyn, and cipro.
most common site of divertic?
sigmoid colon
tx for diverticulitis abcess
Drain it in VIR
dilated loops of small bowel, and air fluid levels in a stepladder like fashion on xray?
SBO. MCC: adhesions.
what is the transitional point in an SBO
where we think the obstruction is
what scoring tool evaluates the extent of liver disease
Child Pugh Criteria
scoring tool that evaluates the mortality from pancreatitis
Ranson’s Criteria
Tx for acute pancreatitis
NPO, fluid resuscitation, TPN, and admit for obs
Charcot’s triad
Fever, Jaundice, Abdominal Pain (Hallmark of acute cholangitis)
What labs do you expect to see elevated in acute choly?
Bili, alk/phos, and white count.
You would admit for any 1 of what 4 symptoms of a choly?
Fever, intractible vomiting, jaundice, intractible pain (FIJI)
white blood cell casts in the urine
cervical motion and adnexal tenderness
abrupt colicky, intermittent sharp pain, unilateral, could be a growing pain, pallor, diaphoretic
Renal colic (calcium oxalate stone)
stones < 4mm will pass _______% of the time
alpha blockers increase chance of passing stone ______% of the time
most common ulcer
duodenal ulcer (relieved by food)
tx for perf’d ulcer
ELAP (exploratory laparotomy)
Describe each… ASA 1 ASA 2 ASA 3 ASA 4 ASA 5 ASA 6 E
ASA 1: normal healthy adult ASA 2: adult with mild diabetes ASA 3: adult with severe diabetes ASA 4: adult with severe diabetes constant in life ASA 5: dying patient who will not survive w/o surgery ASA 6: brain dead patient to be harvested E: emergent