Test #1 - Chapters 1, 2 And 3 Flashcards
Based on TA Review - What she said to focus on :)
What is a Neuron
A cell that receives and transmits electrochemical activity in the nervous system.
How many active neurons are there in the human brain?
100 billion
What are the four types of neurons?
Pyramidal, Purkinjie, Motor, Sensory
What are the basic anatomical structures of a neuron?
Dendrites, cell bodies (soma), axon, myelin sheath, nodes, receptor cells
What is the function of dendrites?
receive information from adjacent neurons (the connectors)
What is the function of the axon?
Provides the fixed path by which neurons communicate with one another.
What is the function of a terminal bouton?
They form synapses with other neurons, contain neurotransmitters
What is a neurotransmitter?
Chemical that crosses the synapse from one neuron to communicate with the next.
What is the function of the Occipital Lobe?
Contains the primary visual areas. Visual perception, depth and distance perception, visual recognition.
What is the function of the Parietal Lobe?
Spatial awareness. Organization of sensory input (stimuli), perception of shape and size.
What is the function of the Temporal Lobe?
Primarily involved in processing auditory information, language comprehension, memory and facial recognition
What is the function of the Frontal Lobe?
Primarily involved in higher-level processing, motor functions, voluntary movement, and personality expression.
What is the concept localization of function about?
The idea that certain parts of the brain are specific to certain functions or activities.
What is Broca Aphasia?
Due to damage in the left frontal lobe; difficulty speaking, small vocab, still have good comprehension.
What is Wernicke Aphasia?
Due to damage to the left temporal lobe; incoherent speech at times, impaired language comprehension.
What is apperceptive agnosia?
challenges in recognizing objects, even though the individual can see them; they can see clearly but they cannot comprehend what they are seeing.
Ex: shown picture of cat and can describe certain features about it but not recognize it as a cat)
What is associative agnosia?
They can perceive simple shapes but have difficulty identifying complex objects.
What synapses onto what to reach the optic nerve?
photoreceptors synapse to bipolar cells which synapse to ganglion cells which form together to create the optic nerve
What is the function of photoreceptors?
detect light and convert it into electrical signals.
What is the function of rods?
Night vision and peripheral vision
What is the function of cones?
detect bright light and colors, sharp, detailed vision.
What is the function of bipolar cells?
Receive input from photoreceptors and pass it on to ganglion cells.
What is the function of ganglion cells?
collect and transmit information from bipolar cells and sends it to the brain. Their axons form the optic nerve.