Test 1 (Chapter 1 & 2) Flashcards
Stored information, regardless of media or characteristics, made or received by an organization that is evidence of its operations and has value requiring its retention for a specific period of time
An association for information management professionals
ARMA International
The systematic control of all records from their creation or receipt, through their processing, distribution, organization,storage, and retrieval, to their ultimate disposition
Records management
A standard for records management policies and procedures.
ISO 15489
Internet or a network of servers
A record created for use outside of the organization. It may be created inside or outside of the organization.
External record
A record that contains information needed to operate an organization
Internal record
A document used in an organizations day-today operations.
Transaction record
A record that contains information needed to carry on the operations of an organization over long periods.
Reference record
Receipt of record from outside the business. (Email written, letter produced)
Creation - life cycle
Who gets the record? Internal users, external users. The record is sent to the person responsible for its use.
Distribution - life cycle
Decisions, reference, inquires, and legal requirements.
Use- life cycle
Store/file, retrieve, protect files.
Maintenance - life cycle
Transfer, retain, or destroy.
Disposition - life cycle
A system that enables users to compose, transmit, receive, and manage electronic documents and images across networks.
Electronic mail (e-mail)
A page or collection of web pages that allows people who access the site to contribute or modify content
A shared online journal
A broadcast sent over the internet to receivers who hear and/or view the information via computers or other electronic devices.
A video presentation given over the World Wide Web
A short message posted on the twitter social network website
An automated system for scanning, storing, retrieving, and managing images of physical records in an electronic format.
Document imaging
An electric method to communicate and to transact business over networks and through computers
Electronic payments and collections
Electronic funds transfer (EFT)
A communication procedure between two companies that allows the exchange of standardized documents (most commonly invoices or purchase orders) through computers.
Electronic data interchange (EDI)
The overarching frame-work within which the records and information management (RIM) program resides
Information governance (IG)
Form the foundation for which an effective information governance program can be built
ARMA’s Generally Accepted Record Keeping principles (“The Principles”)
A global, non-profit organization that provides independent research, education and certification programs to information professionals
AIIM (Association for information and image management)
The strategies, methods, and tools used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents related to organizational processes
Enterprise content management (ECM)
When a company is subject to litigation or a lawsuit, all information, records, and other evidence that are relevant to the case must be identified and retrieved. These procedures are called the discovery process
The process of identifying and providing all electronically stored information and records relevant to the case
Scanning, sorting, retrieving, and managing records electronically
Document imaging
Computer/media storage of records that requires equipment to view, read, listen
Electronic record
- Physical storage of records
- Oldest method of records management
- Filing “by hand”
Manual Filing System
Photographic reduction of paper records to micro-images (microfilm, fiche) for space-saving storage and rapid retrieval
- used by banks, newspapers, and insurance companies
Computer storage and retrieval of records (floppies, CD-Roms, optical & laser disks, hard drive on computer…)
Electronic records systems
Long-term value, record the history of the company, stored in protected records archive. (Minutes in meetings)
Historical records
Used in daily operation of firm, short and long term value, administrative documents: correspondence, forms, reports
Operational (administrative) records
Some records required by law to be kept certain length of time: contracts, real estate deeds, articles of incorporation, stockholders reports
Legal records
Financial records and documents which have legal and operational value to firm: tax returns, balance sheets, income statements
Fiscal records
Original copy or record copy kept permanently or legal, historical, or operational reasons (deeds, property titles, tax forms, receipts)
Official record
Group of related records (bank statements for the entire year)
Records series
Assist in a firms business operations, replaced at great cost and effort, retention schedule determines length of storage
Important records
Used in conducting daily operations of firm, usually replaced at minimal cost, low to medium degree of protection
Useful records
Temporary value, lowest degree of protection required, eventually destroyed after use
Non-essential récords
Mid- to top-level managers responsible for directing the entire RIM program
Specialists and luces specialists responsible for operating the records center, supervising the design and use of business forms
Includes this workers responsible for routine Filing and retrieving tasks, assisting with vital records, and records retention work
“Tools, technologies, and methods to capture, store, preserve and deliver content or information across an enterprise or organization”
Enterprise content management
Software processing wherein the the retrieval and management of data is done through electronic means
Electronic document management
Federal agencies required to disclose records requested in writing by any person. Individuals access to records kept by public and private organizations
Freedom of information act
See records about yourself, amend inaccurate records. You can also exclude others seeing your records without your permission
Privacy act
Protects original works of authorship, copyright is immediate property of author
Copyright act, intellectual property protection act
Deals with files of CRAs. CRA must provide list of everyone who has vied your credit file. Request report 60 Days. Correct report:30 days
Fair credit reporting act
Prevents financial institutions from requiring customers to authorize release of financial records as a condition of doing business.
Right to financial privacy act
Encouraged federal governmental minimize the paperwork burden imposed on the American public.
Federal paperwork reduction act
Allows information/records to be shared between federal agencies. Records used by one agency can be used/shared electronically for different purpose by another agency
Computer matching and privacy protection act
Allows the public to access government documents via internet to the federal governments electronic reading room
Electronic freedom information act
Makes it a crime to circumvent anti-piracy measures built into most commercial software. Outlaws the manufacture, sale, or distribution of code-cracking devices used to illegally copy software
Digital millennium copyright act
First federal effort to provide uniform rules to govern e-commerce in each state.
Uniform electronic transaction act
Electronic computerized signatures are just as legal as hand-written signatures
Electronic global signatures
Creates national standards to protect your medical records and personal health information
HIPPA - health insurance portability and accountability acet, privacy rule
Facilitates cooperation and information sharing among government agencies. Dramatically reduces restrictions on law enforcement ability to search telephone, email communication, medical, finance, and other records
Patriot act
Passed in response to major corporate and accounting scandals. Enhances standards for all u.s. public corporate boards, public accounting firms, applies only to publicly traded firms, not private companies
Sarbanes-Oxley act
Creates new negotiable instrument called a substitute check, the legal equivalent of the original check that includes all the original check
Check 21
Special paper copies of the front and back of the original check
Substitute checks
Independent federal agency that preserves the nations history and oversees the management of all federal records
National archives and records managers
Nationwide association of local and state and federal records agencies interested in the improved administration of government records at ALL levels
National association of government archives and records administrators
Provides leadership to ensure the identification, preservation, and use of the nations historical records.
Society of American archives
Global non-profit organization that provides research, education and certification programs to information professionals.
Association for information and image management
For professionals engaged in health information
American health information management association
Mission is to enhance global business and competitiveness through standardization
American national standards institute
To provide leadership for libraries information services to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all
American library association