test 1 Flashcards
Geographic Information System
Real-World Objects seen on maps represented by symbols.
Feature with a position but no dimensions
Feature with a length but no width
A two-dimensional feature representing an area. Each vertex has coordinates.
Spatial Data
Mappable data (shape and size)
Attribute Data
Descriptive information or characteristics of the spatial features stored in an attribute table
On an attribute table, a single “row” of data. Each feature has a corresponding record.
A set of data elements that has horizontal and vertical dimensions (rows and columns)
A column in a table. Each field contains the values for a single attribute in the table.
Background information about the GIS data (who created it, when it was created, how it was created, how accurate it is, coordinate system, etc).
Structured set of data stored on a computer that can be easily accessed, managed, and updated
Spatial Database
A database that also contains location data
Geographic Coordinate Systems
Coordinates based on Lat and Long, and measured in Degrees. Good for navigation over long distance.
Projected Coordinate Systems
Coordinates based on metres or feet. Good for local navigation and for measuring distances and areas.
Quantitative Problem Statement
A problem stated in measurable terms for GIS analysis.
Web Mapping Service (WMS)
Standard protocol developed by the Open Geospatial Consortium for serving georeferenced map images over the internet (ie GeoDiscover Portal).
File Geodatabase (.GDB)
ESRI propriety spatial database format. Stored as collection of system files in a folder. Can access different datasets within the same geodatabase.
Database schema
A series of standard database tables, column types, indices, and other database objects at the core of the geodatabase.
Environmental Systems Research Institute
Field Data Types
The different attribute field types that are possible in a Geodatabase Feature Class (ie text, short integer, float, date, etc)
Text (data type)
Letters, numbers, special characters. (ie a-z, A-Z, 1, 2, 3, &, (, @, etc)
Short Integer (data type)
Whole numbers from -32,768 to 32,768 (uses 2 bytes)
Long Integer (data type)
Whole numbers from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,648 (uses 4 bytes)
Float (data type)
Fractional numbers: precise to 6 digits, then rounded (uses 4 bytes)
Double (data type)
Fractional numbers: precise to 15 digits, then rounded (uses 8 bytes)
Date (data type)
Dates and/or times
BLOB (data type)
Binary large objects, including special feature types such as geodatabase annotation
Raster (data type)
Small images embedded into attribute table
GUID (data type)
Unique feature/record identifier for features in distributed geodatabases
ObjectID (data type)
Unique feature/record identifier
Shape (data type)
Feature geometry type (ie. point, line, polygon)
Feature Dataset
Collection of related feature classes that share a common coordinate system. Used to spatially or thematically integrate related feature classes. Primary purpose is for organizing related feature classes into a common dataset for building a topology, a network dataset, a terrain dataset, or a geometric network.
Feature Classes
Homogenous collections of common features,e ach having the same spatial representation, such as points, lines, or polygons; and a common set of attribute columns (ie a line feature class for representing road centerlines). Four most commonly used feature classes are points, lines, polygons, and annotation.
Relationship Classes
Integration of information about various types of geographic and non-geographic (table) entities, many of which can be related to each other.
Rules that describe the legal values of a field type, providing a method for enforcing data integrity (like a data dictionary)
Spatial Relationships and Rules
Topology rules you can implement into your geodatabase (ie “Must not Overlap”)
A collection of related geographic datasets, maps, layouts, tools, settings, and resources saved in an .aprx file
The project item used to display and work with geographic data in two dimensions
The project item used to display and work with geographic data in three dimensions
The rectangular area across the top of the application composed of tabs that contain software functionality
Tab on the Ribbon
A region on the ribbon that groups related software commands
The window representing the primary work area of the application
Active view
The view that currently has keyboard focus (the active view controls the contents of the ribbon)
A dockable window that contains a related set of commands
A rectangular window or menu that presents an array or grid of visual choices
A set of preconfigured steps to guide users through a workflow or business process
Quick Access Toolbar
A collection of icons located in the title bar that provides shortcuts to commonly used commands
Connection to an ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS organization
Pop-up info tips that appear when you hover over the ribbon
Small tips that appear when you press the Alt key and show keyboard shortcuts for the ribbon
Contents pane
Table of Contents window
Catalog pane and Catalog view
Similar to the Catalog window
Map view
Data view
Layout view
Layout of an ArcMap document (.mxd)
Select item in Contents pane to open additional ribbon tabs and tools
Right-click item in Contents window to access the context menu
Explore tool
Contains functionality of Pan, Zoom, and other navigation tools, and HTML Pop-Up and Identify tools.
Click with the Explore tool
Get a pop-up window about what you clicked; similar to HTML Pop-Up and Identify tools
Attributes pane
Similar to the Attributes and Identify Results windows, also allows editing
Default project database
Default map (or scene or globe) document geodatabase
Locate pane
Find tool
Add folder
Create Folder Connection
Edit tab on the ribbon
Editor toolbar
Geoprocessing pane (opened from the Analysis tab)
Search tools, show the system toolbox, and run geoprocessing tools
Geoprocessing History
Results window
Fields, Subtypes, and Domains view
Feature Class Properties and Geodatabase Properties dialog boxes
Project tab > Options
Contains settings for customizing ArcGIS Pro
Data tab > Export Features
Right-click a layer in the table of contents > Data > Export Data
Active Portal
Default connnection to the ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS organization where you share and search for content
Share Content
Umbrella term referring to packaging, publishing, and sharing new ArcGIS Pro items
Project package (.ppkx)
File type used to package an entire project
Map package (.mpkx)
File type used to package a map; similar to an .mpk file
Layer package (.lpkx)
File type used to package an individual layer; similar to an .lpk file
Share or publish a web layer
Publish a service