Test #1 Flashcards
Primordiaism Theory of Identity Formation
Identity if fixed and of natural origin.
A social and historical construction & refers to a group of people who share physical and cultural traits as well as common ancestry.
The practice of acquiring political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically.
Carolus Linnaeus
Founder of modern system of biological taxonomy. He stated that humans could be divided into 4 groups.
- Homo Americanus
- Homo Europeus
- Homo Asiaticus
- Homo Afer
Layers of identity
Family (most important), religion, ethnicity, Nationality
Scramble for Africa and racism in Africa
Africa being the largest continent led the colonial powers to exploit the resources and enslave the Africans for labor.
Slavery in Ancient Times
Existed before colonialism and the conceptualization of race. Raids were conducted and slaves were taken. Those with no family were taken as slaves. Paying off debt or punishment for crime= slavery.
Statistics concerning the transatlantic slave trade
•majority of African slaves were sent to Caribbean & Brazil
•4.8 million to Brazil
388,747 to North America (less than 4% of slaves from Africa)
Replacement theory
A theory used by those against immigration that basically states that if too many people are allowed into the U.S. the “inferior” genes will push out the superior “white” genes and replace them.
Laws to support slavery as an institution
1667-Virginia (slavery allowed because Africans were heathens)
Virginia and Maryland created laws and created a permanent status for African slaves and their offspring
Santos Manuel
He was the leader of the Yuhaaviatam tribe who later became known as the Santos Manuel Band of Mission Indians. In 1866 the 32 day campaign began that killed Serrano men, women, and children.
Racial Discrimination
The practice of treating people differently on the basis of their race.
Institutional Racism
The policies,laws, and institutions that reproduce racial inequalities, in their book Black Power. (Carmichael & Hamilton)
Micro insults
Verbal/nonverbal that shows rudeness and insensitivity towards a persons racial heritage.
Implicit bias
Unreasoned judgmental inclinations that’s operate without our conscious awareness
Structural racism and redlining
Inter institutional interactions across time and space that reproduce racial inequality
Fair house act of 1968
It outlaws refusal to sell/rent a dwelling to any person because of their race,color,disability,religion,sex, family status
White supremacy
A system of racial stratification that places whites at the top of the hierarchy
Social constructivism theory of identity formation
Identity is created from many different sources and is fluid. Race may change depending on how you view yourself in the world.
Group identities based on notions of similar and shared history,culture,kinship.
A set of principles and ideas that benefit the dominant group.
Genetic- male or female
Eugenics Movement
The idea that alcoholism, laziness, crime, poverty, and other moral and cultural traits can be inherited.
A lot of surgery was performed on African American women so they won’t spread “black kids”
Contact with the “other” and changing attitudes
Indigenous population were the first slaves in the America’s. Disease,sickness, deaths and revolts decreased the population.