TEST 1 Flashcards
135 beds & has an occupancy of 120 residents. in a 30 day month $11,700.00 is spent on food what is the per resident day raw cost for food?
total occupancy x number of days in the month=?
total food cost #/ by days in the month =%
what is the average daily absentee rate for a facility with a total of 200 employees and 88 workdays or absences during a 22 work day period?
Employee Absence Rate = (Number of Absence Days / (Total Employees x Work Days)) x 100%
how many additional employees would need to sign cards before the NLRB could call for an election?
# of employees by department 60 16 6 8 14 4 32 12
# of employees that already signed cards by department 14 0 3 1 5 1 1 2
# employees * 30 % = # already signed up=
total current assets $405,000
total fixed assets $7,500,000
total assets $7,905,000
total current liabilities $375,000
total non-current liabilities $4,135,000
total liabilities $4,510,000
total retained earnings $370,000
total working capital of this facility is?
a. 30,000
b. 35,000
c. 3,365,000
d. 3,765,000
working capital = current assets-current liabilities
120 bed facility
120 july, 196 aug, 200 sep what is the annual turnover rate
20 employees got fired or left in 3 months
annual turnover rate% =
# of employees that left/ (beginning + ending)/2
times 100
you can get your avg number of employees by adding your beginning and ending workforce and dividing by two (Avg = [B+E]/2).
120 bed facility
150 july, 190 aug, 210 sep what is the monthly turnover rate for august
5 employees got fired or left
monthly turnover rate=
# of employees separated / average # of employee
times 100
you can get your avg number of employees by adding your beginning and ending workforce and dividing by two (Avg = [B+E]/2).
SSI state limit, the resident has 840 in her account when should they speak to the resident before they lose Medicare/ Medicaid .. the account amount has to be within what amount of money?
- 240
- 640
- 840
- 340
within $200 of the account
Who should be a part of a care plan meeting?
a. nursing,admin,activities
b. mds, dietary,social work,pt,ot st, pharmacy and activities
c. nursing, pt, ot, activities
rug levels has how many classifications?
a. 5
b. 7
c. 8
d. 10
Temperature for resident’s room
- 71-81,
- 72-82
Quality assessment and assurance committee consists of?
a. )DON,physician,3 other members of staff
b. )nursing, admin,activities
what is on a biological label?
precautions, identity, manufacturer into
when survery team walks in what do they first want?
a. census, floor plan, staffing schedule for RN & LPN,formula for water emergency source, new admission form
b. census, staffing hours, PPE
norms or values of the organization
a. nursing is expected to follow
b. all employees are expected to follow
norms are justified by ?
a. ethics
b. values
c. morals
ethics are values or norms that guide behavior true or false?
mission statement for the facility is to?
a. develop pride and enthusiasm for the facility
b. defining the purpose and values held by the facility
the governing body for the facility is ?
a. set the goals and mission statement
b. set the values and norms
the role of the facility administrator and upper level staff is ?
a.policy making,decision making, leadership
b implement, develop,monitor and evaluate policies
mrs jones current weight is 120 lbs, she usually weights 150 lbs what is her weight loss %
usual weight - actual weight x100 / usual weight
mrs jones weighs 120 lbs how many fluids does she need daily?
body weight in kg (times) 30cc
2.2 lbs=1 kg
total current assets $405,000
total fixed assets $7,500,000
total assets $7,905,000
total current liabilities $375,000
total non-current $4,135,000
total liabilities $4,510,000
total retained earnings $370,000
what is the current ratio?
current ratio= current assets/ current liabilities
routine nursing care $900 therapy $1,500 attending physician visit $300 room $3,000 medication $600
what is the cost per residents day if the resident is admitted and stays for 15 days?
cost per patients day= costs in month/ total patient days in month
If an employee works 52 hours in a one week period at a rate of $10.00 per hour, what would be the total gross salary including overtime pay?
(pay rate * reg hrs)+ (OT rate *OT hrs) gross pay
Under OBRA, (F115), the term bedfast means that, except to be moved for treatment, a resident has been confined to bed all of the time during the past:
a. 8 days
b. 7 days
c. 5 days
7 days
The dietary department is required to maintain various adaptive feeding equipment to assist the resident in eating. However, the training needed for utilization of the equipment is usually provided by:
a. OT
b. Speech
c. PT
The sum of all activities which create the desired and needed changes in quality care is the definition of:
quality improvement
According to federal law, medical records must be maintained for at least
5 years after discharge or 3 years after a discharged resident reaches age 18 or legal age under the state law
Flexion, rotation, abduction, and addiction, are all terms referring to:
What is the daily absentee rate for a facility with a total of 120 full-time employees per day and 144 lost work days for absences during a 60 day period?
a. 1.5
b. 2.1
c. 2.0
d. 1.6
of missed days / (total employees * work days)*100
The ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) has five titles. Of those five titles, which most affects the healthcare facility administrator?
title 1
Which one of the following would be generally considered an operating expense?
weekend overtime wages
The primary purpose for maintaining and operating budget is to:
Provide a method of ongoing study and control
4000/400=100 FTE
TURNOVER RATE of 3% and there are 782 employee how mnay people were terminiated
the general ledger shows that the total cost of the nursing department for 1 month are $12k the admin has determined that fixed cost accounts in that department amount to $9k and the medical supplies are its only variable cost. census report shows 3k resident days or and average of 100 residents over 30 days
what is the variable cost per patient in nursing department
(total costs-total fixed cost)/ volume unit= variable cost / units
12k-9/100=30 per resident
if the TC of the PT department are $6500 per month and the TFCs are $5300 and the VC per patient visit to PT is $8 how many patient visits are needed per month to break even?
total cost-total revenue/volume unit
land 2,650,00 cash 60,700 inventory 62,006 prepaid insurance 2,400 accounts payable 2,852 mortgage 230,680
what is the working capital?
land 100,000 cash 35,000 inventory 50,000 prepaid insurance 35,000 accounts payable 80,000 long term debt 50,000
what is the working capital
land 100,000 cash 60,700 inventory 62,006 prepaid insurance 2,400 125,106 accounts payable 80,000 long term debt 50,000 notes payable 33,625 163,625
what is the current ratio
current ratio=current assets/current liabilities