Test 1 Flashcards
Hugo Gernbach
the biggest award in science fiction is named after him. He was influential in the development and mainstreaming of the genre
Ionian naturalists sought…
to explain natural explanations apart from myth and religion
the fundamental component of all things
invented a crude view of evolution
Burning mirrors of Syracuse is …
maybe an early example of science fiction
all that exists is atoms in the void
came from Ionia to Athens under the patronage of Pericles. He was exiled because he said that the sun and moon and stars weren’t divine
Plato argues that Atlantis is based on perfect Pythagorean circular shape and was very advanced in science and art. They became evil and arrogant and indulged in hubris and the gods sink the island into the sea
Science takes off in the _________ period and Alexandria was the center of this revolution
The story of the Spartan robot
story that the king of Sparta had a robot wife that had spike on its chest that would kill people when embraced
Who wrote the first science fiction story?
Lucian of samosata
First Sci Fi story
a true history by Lucian of Samosata: includes the first story of space travel. A ship is caught in a waterspout and they go to an inhabited moon and join a conflict against the sun people who are fighting to colonize Venus
Nobody (not having a name is connected with issues of identity)
William Godwin
Shelley’s father who was an atheist. He was demanding and emotionally distant and her mother died soon after childbirth. Waldman is similar to Mary Shelley’s father.
suffering that results in wisdom
What is Victor’s“Fatal Flaw”
Hubris (arrogance) that leads to sacrilege
San Michel
Vierne’s yacht
Pierre-Jules Hetzel
ally and editor to Verne and publishes many of his works in his magazine which leads to Verne becoming popular
“Father of Science Fiction”
Jules Vierne
Robert Fulton
American inventor who built a submarine called the Nautilius for the French in their fight against the British
Many people described Nemo as
Verne in a diving suit
The Unknown is a ______________ for creativity
blank check
Jules Verne known as ___________________
Prophet of Progress
Horace Hunley
Inventor of the Hunley. His submarine is the first to successfully sink an enemy ship.
Thomas Carlyle
: in 1829 he published an essay Called the Signs of the Times which was a reaction against the increasingly cult like attitude around technology. He said our headlong pursuit of technology would result in mankind becoming machinelike. What he called technological pride and thought that the replacement of the artisan with the machine
Pope Pius the 9th
put out an encyclical called Quanta Cura in which he attacks scientific materialism.
Inventor of Sociology and positivism. Anticipates the cult of technology. Atheistic utopianism.
- Theological stage (supernatural explanations)
- Philosophical (Abstract Ideas)
- Positive stage (Science)
John Morley
British Liberal writer who thought that immorality and evil could be eliminated through science.
Winwood Reid
Appears in Sherlock Holmes. He wrote promoting the cult of science and technology using very religious messaging.
Jean Lemarck
French evolutionist who believed in an internal force within all living beings working towards perfection
George Bernard Shaw
believed in expediting the evolutionary process by selective human breeding and wrote a play promoting Eugenics called Man and Superman. He was an Evolutionist but not a Darwinist who criticized natural selection as brutal and amoral. He said that if natural selection was true life wasn’t worth living. He prescribed to Lamarcks view of a divine spark.
The original idea behind Nemo is that he was ______ and hated the ________ who had conquered ______
Polish, Russians, Poland
The Technical Sublime
Term taken from romantics. It is the greatest on a scale including, Charming, Beautiful and then Sublime. Sublime is always connected to fear as well as attraction. It is Awesome and Awful.
The Nautalis is ________ because it is both beautiful but terrible.
Verne draws parallels between the _________ and the ________ as a ghost ship carrying the dead
Nautilus, Flying Dutchman
3 influences on Wells
- Marxism (not a Marxists but still influenced his socialists leanings due to his affinity for the British working class)
- Darwinism
- Pessimism (Scientists are becoming increasingly pessimistic
anti progress and mechanism. They want to save the working class from machinery.
Year of great agitation and excitement. Fever pitch of industrial revolution. New machinery coming on to the scene. They were fighting Napoleon. Riots broke out against textile machinery by textile workers themselves. The rioters were the followers of Ned Ludd who was a fictitious figure made up by organizers. The government responded and killed many of the leaders and transported others to Australia. Luddism became very popular and led to some concessions from the government.
John Kay
Inventor of the Flying Shuttle which greatly increased the output of individual weavers by 200%. A mob of threatened weavers forced Kay to flee to Leeds from Lancashire. He continued his work.
James Hargreaves
inventor of the spinning Jenny. A machine that increased the production of yarn and it was attacked by an angry group of spinners causing him to flee. He continued his work.
Samuel Crompton
Invented the Spinning mule that combined the benefits of water powered spinning machinery and the spinning Jenny and was forced to hide his machine in order to keep it from being destroyed by professional spinners.
_________ sprang out of technological innovation since they could operate machinery and were easy to control. They did not hire _________ due to their already formed views on production.
Child labor, craftsman
William Blake
wrote moving poems about child chimney sweeps
Heinrich Heine
visited England and thought the Industrial revolution was Dismal. He thought it limited the human spirit.
Carol Pursell
don’t let anyone try and tell you that the industrial revolution had to develop the way they did. Brutality did not have to be utilized.
Kevin Binfield
the luddites justified their destruction on customs of the trade. Luddites saw themselves as upholding the law based on a charter given them by King Charles the 2nd.
Robert Owen
leader of the Labor movement who was a businessman who was a “traitor to his class” He got involved in the Utopian movement and bought property in the US to founded a Utopian community called New Harmony. He was fabulously wealthy due to his successful humanitarian business practices
Great thinkers of the modern age
- Marx
- Freud
- Darwin
Three Great Shocks according to Freud.
• Copernican shock: Earth is not the center and deflated humanity
• Freud’s work
• Darwin
Humans are descended from the lower animals
Darwinian Revolution
Darwinism was a shock to the human race since it lowered humanity to animals
The Origin of Species
Sold out on its release and was a best seller
Natural selection
Mutations and evolutions occur within the DNA of a creature and diverge genetically into entirely different species. He could explain design without a designer.
The idea that organisms are created with a purpose in mind. Darwinism challenged this idea.
Erasmus Darwin
Grandfather of Darwin. He was a natural philosopher and his study was purely conjecture
The argument from design
Natural theology
Nature testifies about the existence of God. Promoted by Newton
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Nature red in tooth and claw. He was the poet laureate of Victorian England. He was the longest serving poet laureate in history. He was deeply disturbed by the brutal nature of natural selection.
Thomas Henry Huxley
Darwin’s apologist
Samuel Wilberforce
Bishop from oxford. He criticized the origin of species and debated Huxley. He asked Huxley if he was descended from an ape on his grandmother’s or grandfather’s side and Huxley responded that he’ rather be descended from an ape than a brainless bishop. The Debate sparked interest in Darwinism among the scientific community.
The Descent of Man (1871)
Darwin’s case about the origin of the Human species. Darwin already had a sturdy reputation due to his five year journey on the HMS Beagle. He was the ships naturalist
Dr. Edward Lane
A friend who frequently walked with Darwin. Lane records Darwin’s love for all things living and his attention to detail.
Social Darwinism
It was easy for those with agendas to adopt Darwinism as a justification for the advancement of their agendas. A lot of ism latched on. The movement was launched not by Darwin but by Galton
Francis Galton
Darwin’s second cousin. He was a competent scientist and dedicated to Darwinism and its ability to transform humanity through guided evolutions. He coined the term Eugenics
“Good Birth Origins” He thought that earned income instead of inheritance would further the species. He wanted monasticism among the unfit and wanted the healthy and intelligent to have lots of children. He thought eugenics should voluntary
Herbert Spencer
Coined the term Survival of the Fittest. Argued that survival of the fittest was the basic law of society and should be allowed to weed out the unfit. He thought charity should be discouraged in exchange for allowing the week to parish. He wrote the book “social statics” which was hugely successful. He was dedicated to free market capitalism.