Test 1 Flashcards
Classification of law
Public: legal relationship between people and government.
Private: legal relationship amongst people.
Civil v. Criminal
Civil burden of proof: by a preponderance of the evidence
Criminal burden of proof: beyond a reasonable doubt.
Legal rights
How substantive law is to be enforced
Federal: lifetime immunity
State: voted in
Judicial immunity: immune from suit for damages for judicial acts.
Present in state
Can’t trick or forcibly bring party to state
Long-arm statutes
Personal jurisdiction over non-residents
“Minimum contacts”
Erie RR Co. v. Tompkins
Federal court apply state substantive law and federal procedural law
No such thing as federal common law
Basic Trial Procedures
Pleading stage, Discovery stage, pretrial, trial, appellate, enforcement
Pleading stage
Plaintiff: brings the lawsuit
Complaint: first pleading, alleges facts, prayer
Defendant: being sued
Answer: respond to complaint
If no answer in 30 days then all allegations are true.
Counterclaim: claim against plaintiff.
Discovery stage
Obtain information about facts before trial starts
Consequences of failure to comply: contempt of court (fine, imprisonment, lose case)
Organize issues and evidence for trial
Judge usually encourages settlement
Opening statements: explain clients vie if case of jury, tell jury who will be the witnesses provide a roadmap
Closing arguments
Instructions to jury
Appellate stage
Appeal issue of law, not disputed issues of fact
Ensure the judge correctly applied the law
Weir of execution (court orders sheriff to satisfy the judge)
Neutral 3rd party makes a binding decision
Neutral 3rd party makes a non-binding suggestion
Commerce Clause
Regulates business
Wickard v. Filburn (farmer)
Federal Supremacy
McCulloh v. Maryland, federal law trumps state law.
State law can strengthen federal law but can’t make it weaker or contradict it.
First amendment
Freedom of speech
Limits congress from making certain laws
Fourth Amendment
No unreasonable searches or seizures
Fifth Amendment
Right against self incrimination
Does not apply to corporations or documents
Fifth Amendment- Taking. Clause
Just compensation
Taking property for public use
Fourteenth Amendment- Due Process Clause
No deprivation of life, liberty or property without due process of law