Test #1 Flashcards
Various phases of the lifespan:
.Prenatal (conception to birth) Infancy and Toddlerhood (birth to 2) Early Childhood (2-6) Middle Childhood (6-11) Adolescence (11-18) Early Adulthood (18-40) Middle Adulthood (40-65) Late Adulthood (65+) Death
Prenatal phase:
Folic Acid helps the spinal cord. Single cell organism grows and multiplies. The fetus can hear and respond to stimuli
Infancy and Toddlerhood phase:
Developing personalities, very dependent of caregivers, tantrums. Show advances in language comprehension and self-awareness. Assertiveness kicks in and child becomes curious/wants to learn.
Early Childhood phase:
Preparatory phase. Steady growth and become better at coordination. Become more independent and develop a sense of right and wrong. Start making friends. School aged; structured classroom learning; theoretical and experimental behavior.
Middle Childhood phase:
Show improvements in ability to reason, remember and use arithmetic. Peers become more important. Growth slows. Industry phase; enhancing development.
Adolescence phase:
Physically and sexually mature. Discovering who they are apart from their parents. Rapid growth again. Who can I trust? Self-confidence. Pick people who they want as their friends.
Early Adulthood phase:
Many changes (moving out, college, careers, marriage). Healthy lifestyle choices are important as physical condition usually peaks in this phase. Connection with self and others; finding acceptance and who they are. Own sense of stability. Balance. Partner Life and child responsibilities.
Middle Adulthood phase:
Notice changes in vision, hearing, physical stamina. Family transitions. Stress arises from children becoming independent, assisting elderly parents. Phase of transition; maybe facing retirement.
Late Adulthood phase:
Slower reaction times. Less likely to form new friendships. Adjust to retirement and life after this, personal loss and impending death. Grandparents; we are organic machines.
Death phase:
A process that can be sudden or expected.
What does it mean to take an integrative approach to understanding development?
- Multiple perspectives; Considering multiple contexts and factors.
- Understanding how these factors and contexts combine.
Psychoanalytic theories:
- Freud’s psychosexual theory
- Ericsson’s psychosocial theory (stages of development)
What do psychoanalytic theories study?
Unconscious drives; things we cannot control
What does the Behaviorist & Social Learning theory examine?
Only behavior that can be observed and believe that all behavior is influenced by social and physical environment; what triggers us
Behaviorist & Social Learning theory:
- Classical conditioning: associate stimuli with physiological responses.
- Operant conditioning: Learn from the consequences of our behavior; punishment vs reward.
- Social learning: Based on the idea that we think and feel at the same time; emotions have an effect on behavior. We learn through observation of others.
What do Cognitive theories examine?
The role of thoughts on behavior
Piaget’s theory stages:
Sensorimotor (birth-2)
Preoperational (2-7)
Concrete Operation (7-12)
Formal Operations (12+)
Sensorimotor phase:
Infants understand the world around them through the information they take in through their senses and their actions on it.
Preoperational phase:
Young children can use mental symbols but do not think logically, and their thinking is egocentric.
Concrete Operation phase:
Now they think logically, but their thinking is concrete not abstract.
Formal Operation phase:
Adolescents can think both abstractly and logically.
-Information Processing Theory: Seek to understand the way people think by examining how they perceive, manipulate, store and recall sensory information
Vygotsky’s Sociocultural theory:
is important and how it is transmitted to other
generations. Beliefs, values, customs, and skills.
Brofenbrenner’s Bioecological Systems theory:
Development is impacted by the changing contexts in an individual’s life.
Sex determination:
The father determines the sex of the baby by donating either an x or a y. The 23rd chromosome is the sex of baby.
Siblings who share the same womb. Twins occur 1 in every 30 births. Twins can be monozygotic (identical) or dizygotic (fraternal). Fraternal twins are the most common. Identical twins share the same genotype.
Homozygous (will display that trait), Heterozygous (will display the more dominant trait, but will be a carrier of the recessive)
Sex chromosome abnormality…
Males only, most go undiagnosed. May experience severe acne, more slender body type,
poor coordination
Sex chromosome abnormality…
Males only; short stature, overweight, breast enlargement, high-pitched voice,
Infertility, feminine body shape. Language/short-term memory impairment.
Sex chromosome abnormality…
Females only. Taller than average, long legs and slender torso, learning difficulties.
Sex chromosome abnormality…
Turner syndrome: females only. Born with 1 x chromosome. Abnormal growth pattern, short, lack of female characteristics, infertile, early puberty, at risk for thyroid problems and heart defects, vision/hearing issues.
Fetal period:
Week 9-birth
Second trimester:
-Second trimester (14th week-27 weeks): Limb movements, stronger heartbeat,
eyebrows/nails/tooth buds form, brain becomes more responsive. Substantial weight gain during
21-25 weeks. REM begins: Dreaming begins
Third trimester:
Third Trimester (27th week-40 week): Typically gain 5 pounds and 7 inches, brain signals body to have periods of rest and activity, pupils dilate at week 30, by week 35 the fetus has a firm grasp and orients to light.
Age of viability:
22-24 weeks
is an agent that causes damage to prenatal development, producing a birth defect.
Examples: alcohol, drugs, maternal illness, cigarettes, marijuana, pollutants from environment
C-section is needed when…
Baby is in breech position, transverse position, labor process, or danger to mother/fetus
3 stages of vaginal delivery:
Dilation, Delivery, Expulsion of placenta