Test 1 Flashcards
Next in line to the Holy Roman Empire, assassinated by Serbia, because he wanted to give the Serbs equality
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Assassinated Archduke Ferdinand, tried but went home but luckily found them in an ally and killed him and his wife
Gavrilo Princecip
Where Franz and his wife were inspecting troops when they were assassinated
Bosnia could never be part of Austria, but was annexed anyway. This group wanted them to be part of them or completely independent, so they killed Franz to stop equality of Bosnia.
Kaiser of Germany, grandson to Queen Victoria.
Wilhelm II
Overthrown by the Bolsheviks aka Lenin, Germany had it happen, whole family killed (Russia)
Tsar Nicholas II
Chief of the German General staff
Von Moltke
In the time span where Russia needs to mobilize, the plan called for Germany to invade France, conquer France quick, then move all troops on German railways so they could quickly go west to east/east-west
Schlieffen Plan
Staff that ran the military , leader Von Moltke
German General Staff
Germany asked Belgium to allow their troops to come through Belgium, France & England had a treaty, Germany invaded Belgium and the war began. Germany starved and owned Belgium.
Insasion and Rape of Belgium
Gun fire stopped, in the British-German section the British troops heard singing, they joined in and sung to each other. Christmas morning, brave men came out of trenches and hung out with each other. Played soccer, shared things, ect. Covered up by government for propaganda
Christmas 1914
Naval, Germans sunk twice the amount of tonnage as the british
Battle of Jutland
Germany had un-restricted warfare at the beginning sinking all ships, etc (Lusitania)
U-boats and Submarine Warfare
Australian, New Zealand, British Forces. Churchill wanted Germany to bring their troops here, then they would advance in France. Failed, stalemate occurred.
British vessle going from New York to Liverpool, German Embassy warned Americans not to go on boat. It was sunk 125 Americans killed, (ended up having ordinance on it)
Lusitania, 1915