TEST 1 Flashcards
What is sexual intelligence?(4)
o Understanding oneself sexually
o Having interpersonal sexual skills and integrity
o Involves having accurate scientific knowledge about sexuality
o Includes understanding the broader cultural, political, and legal contexts of sexual issues
Problems with sex surveys
Nonresponse and inaccuracy of response
Another big study that looked at sexual behaviors in the US more recently—
Masturbation: Men 60%, Women 40%
Extramarital Affairs: Men 24%, Women 15%
Orgasm-always: Men 75%, Women 29%
Kinsey Report
- Interviewed over 20,000 subjects in the 1940s and the 50s and gave people an idea of how frequently people masturbate, have premarital sex, extramarital sex etc.
- Let people know how similar/dissimilar their behaviors are to others
External Female Structure
The vulva
Mons Veneris–Function of hair: (3)
- Vaginal secretions associated with sexual arousal held there
- Can enhance sexual pleasure; cushions during sexual activity may also trap bacteria, etc.
- Helps prevent vaginal infections
Function of Clitoris
Only function appears to be sexual arousal/pleasure; stimulation is most common way that women experience orgasm
(Removal of clitoris):Genital infibulations: clitoris and labia removed, vuvla stitched up; as text asks, is this tradition, or torture.
Female Internal Structure
Grafenburg Spot
Front wall of vagina—sexual arousal, orgasm, and ejaculation
Leads to increased pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, increased susceptibility to infections (leading cause of vaginitis), transmission of HIV, ectopic pregnancy, decreased fertility.
What can feminine hygiene sprays cause?
Ovarian cancer
Fallopian Tubes
ectopic pregnancy-can be fatal if not treated immediately—ruptures tube and causes uncontrolled bleeding
timing related to heredity, health, and altitude
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
• Related to drops in estrogen levels in the week prior to menstruation
PMDD Physical Symptoms
bloating, pain, food craving—decrease these with regular exercise, low salt intake, sexual activity.
PMDD Physological Symptoms
• Psycological Symptoms-irritability, depression, mood swings
o Control—SSRIs/Oral contraceptives help
painful menstruation, primary cause over production of prostaglandins; secondary-endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease
never had period—primary cause-problems with reproductive organs, poor health; secondary-stopped having cycle, anorexia, high levels of exercise, anabolic steroid use, or stress.
Slowed production of estrogen by ovaries
o Up to 10 years before menopause
o Change in menstrual patterns, sexual response
Cessation of menstrual periods (for 1 year)
o Average age=51 years
o Most symptoms 2 years before and after
o Hot flashes-vary by person, ethnicity
Hormone Replacement Therapy
• Controversial
Increased rates (26%) of breast cancer in women taking HRTS
• Also found 29% more likely to have heart attack—especially over 60 years old
Increased risk of stroke, blood clots, memory—But HRTs associated with 35% reduction in colorectal cancer and decrease in hip fractures—how else could this be reduces? Colonoscopies
Drink cranberry juice (helps prevent, but doesn’t cure it)
Urinate after intercourse
Why is it important to use a comdom if you have more than one partner? (2)
- Vaginal fluids are very acidic; semen is very alkaline and after intercourse, the pH of the vagina increases for several hours, making it susceptible to bacterial infections
- With regular partner vaginal pH adjusts rapidly, but with multiple partners, doesn’t adjust as rapidly so risk for infection increases rapidly (unless partner uses condom)