TEST #1 Flashcards
The optimal deployment range for the less-lethal shotgun is…
5-60 feet
Officers and sergeants shell recertify ____ on the use of the CEW
What is the optimum distance for CEW deployment…
7-15 feet
What is the maximum effective range for CEW?
25 feet
T/F an officer has to complete a 202D whenever there is a request for an investigatory consent search, whether or not a search was conducted:
Mustaches shall not extend more than___beyond the corners of the mouth nor below the vermillion border of the upper lip, or more than ___ below the corner of the mouth.
1/2 inch and 1/4 inch
How many ring(s) can a male on duty employee wear while on duty in uniform or in civilian attire?
Hair which is styled or combed forward cannot be lower than the…
Relaxed eybrow
Incident Command System (ICS) consists of ___ basic functions.
What are the five functions of ICS?
Logistics, Planning, Command Staff, Operations, Finance
How many operational modes are there in reference to civil disturbance?
What are the four operational modes in regards to civil disturbance?
Visible Presence, Non-Aggressive Contact, Forcible Contact, Assertive Contact.
A California Highway Patrol _____ shall ensure that an “order to disperse” and a “use of force” warning have been given to participants prior to the use of chemical agents and/or nonlethal weapons:
Incident Commander
Substance believed to contain PCP shall be…
Double bagged
Money taken as evidence ____ be counted by____ employees.
SHALL/TWO (one should be a supervisor)
How long must a lost or stolen firearm remain held in evidence prior to sending to the Academy for destruction.
180 days.
Areas shall prepare checkpoint operational plans and submit them to Division so they may be approved at least____ prior to the scheduled date of operation.
1 week
Areas are required to provide a printed news release to the media____prior to the checkpoint operations
48 hours.
When the driver of a commercial vehicle is found to have a BAC of ____ percent but less than ____ percent, the officer shall issue a CHP 215 for a violation of 34506.3 and place the driver out of service for _____ hours.
.01 but less than .04
OOS for 24 hours.
A juvenile arrested for a violation of 23152a may legally consent to a blood draw_____
Without parental permission.
Explorers ____ not have any contact with in-custody prisoners, suspects, or witnesses.
How many use of force options are there?
Seven (7)
Control holds CEW OC Less Lethal Baton Deadly force Personal weapons
The Departments professional values are:
Principals Respect Integrity Dedication Esprit De Corps
Smoking shall not be permitted within ____ feet of doorway, ground level air intake structures and operable windows.
Minimally, familiarization with the CALEA accreditation process shall be accomplished by:
View the informational DVD
Departmental Policy can be found in the following written documents:
HPM, MM’S, Comm-Nets, Go’s
Each CHP 187, pursuit report, shall be completed within ___ days following the date of occurrence.
10 calendar days.
Probationary officers should/shall receive written performance appraisals within ____ days of the end of…
Shall, 10 days, 4 months, 8 months and 12 months.
When an officer is off duty____ consecutive calendar days or more because of illness, injury or leave of absence, the officer’s appraisal will be extended ____ additional months after returning to work.
30 days, 3 months.
How many critical tasks need to be met by officers?
Nine (9)
Before a sergeant can obtain a substance abuse test of a uniformed employee he/she must first notify:
A Confirming Official
How much urine should be obtained for a substance abuse test?
60 milliliters
A violator alleges an officer slammed his/her head against the hood of the patrol car during search incident to arrest. What category would this complaint be coded as?
Category I
An Internal Investigation which does not result in a recommendation for an adverse action or rejection during probation should/shall be documented as.
Miscellaneous complaint
How long does an Area/Division have to forward an investigation to the Office of Internal Affairs unless granted an extension?
60 calendar days
How many days does a commander have to notify a complainant after an investigation has been completed.
30 calendar days
An employee shall not have his/her assigned locker or other place for storage searched unless…
- A search warrant
- employee is present
- Consent
- Employee has been notified.
As it relates to MVARS retention. All DVDs shall be retained not less than…
12 months.
Personnel who operate mvars equipment, and those who immediately supervise or manage such personnel, shall review the policy…
Spacing for single paragraph letters and memos shall be
double spaced
Correspondence should be prepared with a point size no less that ___ and no greater than___
10 and 12
Complaint records shall be maintained at the affected command levels for ___ year(s) following the date of final action.
1 year
Grievance records shall be maintained at the affected command levels for ___ year(s) following the date of the final action.
Three years (3)
Headquarters central files shall retain grievance records for a period of ___ year(s) following the date of final action.
Five years (5)
What is an employee grievance?
Alleged violation of the contract.
Fourth Amendment relates to..
Search and Seizure
The Fourteenth Amendment relates to..
Due process
In regard to the chemical test the ____ is the designated manager in the supervisor’s chain of command?
Confirming Official.
The ___ shall make the final determination of the test result?
Medical review officer
Copies of the Adverse Action shall be retained at both Area and Division levels for ___ years
Five years (5)
A photo lineup should have a minimum of ___ photos
Six (6)
An employee shall have ___ days within which to file a written response to any adverse comment entered into his/her personnel file.
Thirty days (30)
A minor adverse action is a penalty of ___days or less or a step reduction in salary for ___ months or less.
5 and 5
It is the policy of this Department to restrict the number of departmental reps to a maximum of ___ during an administrative interrogation.
Two (2)
For an employee to be considered AWOL, how many days of missed work is required?
Five (5) consecutive
Commanders shall refer uniformed employees who have been involved in a shooting incident to a post incident debriefing session to occur within ____ hours of the incident:
72 hours.
Each worksite with an OSHA 300 log is required to post a OSHA 300A composite from when
February 1st - April 30th.
Employee signature is required on the CHP 121 within what time frame of an injury or illness?
24 Hours
The State Voyager Fule Card can only be used ___times a day and has a monthly usage limit of ___dollars:
5 times a day and 3,500 dollars.
gas, oil, wash,
A speedometer found to be inaccurate by ___ MPH shall be replaced.
More than 4 mph
Speedometers are to be checked for accuracy at a minimum of every ____ miles or ____days, whichever occurs first:
30,000 miles or 90 days.
All commands shall annually conduct or participate in at least ____emergency preparedness exercises.
Two (2)
A formal request for mutual aid support must be authorized through the ___ to commit CHP resources.
Commissioner’s Office