Test 1 Flashcards
A: draws corner of mouth down, depresses mandible, and elevates skin of chest
N: cervical branch of CN 7 (SVE)
*Torticolis-SB sames side and rot opposite
A: one side acting-rotates head towards opposite side and elevates chin
both sides acting-flexes head, accessory respiritory
N: CN 11 and cervical SN C2 and C3
Post triangle contents
external jugular vein Erbs point nn and supraclavicular n CN 11 brachial plexus 3rd part of subclavian a, transverse cervical, suprascapular, occipital and descending or dorsal scapular a some deep cervical LN
A:elevates hyoid and base of tongue
assists in opening mouth if hyoid fixed by IH mm
N: ant belly-mylohyoid n (from CN V3) arch 1
post belly-digastric branch of CN 7 (arch 2)
A: elevates and retracts hyoid and base of tongue to allow for swallowing
N: digastric branch of CN 7
A: elevates hyoid and floor of mouth, depresses mandible if hyoid fixed
N: mylohyoid branch of CN V3
A: depresses hyoid and larynx
N: ansa cervicalis
A: depresses larynx
N: ansa cervicalis
A: depresses hyoid and tongue when larynx is fixed from below; elevates larynx when hyoid if fixed from above
N: C1 via hypoglossal N
A: stabalizes, retracts and depresses hyoid and larynx
N: ansa cervicalis
coratid sheath contents
common and internal coratid a IJV vagus n superior root of ansa cervicalis (inf root on lat surface) deep cervival LN
Ant scalene
A: elevates 1st rib, SB and rot to opposite side
both sides acting flexes the VC
N: ventral rami of the SN around it
Middle scalene
A: elevates 1st rib, SB and rot cervical collumn
both sides acting flexes the VC
N: ventral rami of the SN around it
post scalene
A: elevates 2nd rib, SB and rot cervical collumn
both sides acting flexes the VC
N: ventral rami of the SN around it
longus capitus
A: flexes head and neck
N: ventral rami of the SN around it