Test 1 Flashcards
According to Davrim does Hashem want us to have a king?
Depends on how you transalte ואמרת
What is strange about the wording of this מצוה
Why do we ask to do a mitzvah, this is the only mitzvah that we have to ask, Hashem willl say yes, and then we can do. The language is strange. We dont ask to do shabbas and then hashems says yes and we do it
What are the two ways to translate ואמרת
You should say
You will say
What are examples where Valachtah means both definitions of ואמרת
ביכורם- you MUST take
אשת יפת תואר-you CAN take
For kings does ואמרת mean can ask or must ask?????
What are the prohibition on a king
How many years pasted since they entered Israel and did not ask for a king
about 400 years
According to Shmuel does G-d want us to have a king
According to the Abarbenel want us the have a king
no- “you can take” but he doesnt want us to.
According to the Abarbanel which sourses is the main sourse teaches us about wherther or not to have a king?
According to the Abarbeanel why do Hashem and shemual beome upset Beni Yisrael when they request a king?
The Jews were doing great without a king from Yehusha-1rst 10 years of Shmuel life. But now they ask for a king and G-d is angry bc we gave into our Yetzar Hara
According to the Rambam which source is the main source which teaches us about whether or not to have a king?
According to this approach why do Hashem and שמואל become upset at the Jews when they ask for a king
Hashem wants us to have a king, he got mad in שמואל א because the Jews only asked for a king because they didn’t want שמואל not to fulfill the Mitzvah
What does the Rambam say?
There are three Mitzvot that the Jews MUST do when they enter Israel
- King
- destroy Amelek
- build Beit HaMikdash
Which תנא does the Rambam hold like?
רבי יהודה
What does the Abarbanel say?
Hashem deos not want us to have a king but he allows it
What תנא does the Abarbanel hold like
רבי נהוראי