Test 1 Flashcards
According to Davrim does Hashem want us to have a king?
Depends on how you transalte ואמרת
What is strange about the wording of this מצוה
Why do we ask to do a mitzvah, this is the only mitzvah that we have to ask, Hashem willl say yes, and then we can do. The language is strange. We dont ask to do shabbas and then hashems says yes and we do it
What are the two ways to translate ואמרת
You should say
You will say
What are examples where Valachtah means both definitions of ואמרת
ביכורם- you MUST take
אשת יפת תואר-you CAN take
For kings does ואמרת mean can ask or must ask?????
What are the prohibition on a king
How many years pasted since they entered Israel and did not ask for a king
about 400 years
According to Shmuel does G-d want us to have a king
According to the Abarbenel want us the have a king
no- “you can take” but he doesnt want us to.
According to the Abarbanel which sourses is the main sourse teaches us about wherther or not to have a king?
According to the Abarbeanel why do Hashem and shemual beome upset Beni Yisrael when they request a king?
The Jews were doing great without a king from Yehusha-1rst 10 years of Shmuel life. But now they ask for a king and G-d is angry bc we gave into our Yetzar Hara
According to the Rambam which source is the main source which teaches us about whether or not to have a king?
According to this approach why do Hashem and שמואל become upset at the Jews when they ask for a king
Hashem wants us to have a king, he got mad in שמואל א because the Jews only asked for a king because they didn’t want שמואל not to fulfill the Mitzvah
What does the Rambam say?
There are three Mitzvot that the Jews MUST do when they enter Israel
- King
- destroy Amelek
- build Beit HaMikdash
Which תנא does the Rambam hold like?
רבי יהודה
What does the Abarbanel say?
Hashem deos not want us to have a king but he allows it
What תנא does the Abarbanel hold like
רבי נהוראי
2 reasons why we need a king is we already have a Navi, Kohen Gadol etc….
- role model
2. establish order
What is the danger of having a king?
- bad role model
2. establish neg order
We daven for the return of מלכות בית דוד and the coming of מלך משיח everyday, does this support the Rambam or Abarbanel
How does Abrabanel explain the everyday davening for מלך משיח
He says that מלך משיח is just like training wheels on a bike. He will help us with peace, Beit HaMikdah etc. and then once we are on our feet we will no longer need him.
Is it possible that the Abarnael and Rambam had different perspectives on having a king bc of where and when they lived?
Abarbanel- 1400-1500s–> worked for 4 different corrupt kings as a treasurer
–> no way Has he would COMMAND such corruption
Rambam- was a dr. for Arabain kings__> good kings
Was Shlomo’s international marriages allowed (Radak)
He converted her- but violated the laws about conversion of a Mitri (you have to wait until the 3rd generation convert from Mitrzriam to marry them)
Shalom thought that it did not apply for women (bc of רות) but he was wrong
Are במות allowed?
As long as the Mishkanis not in a permanent spot they are allowed
If במות are permitted why does the Pasuk say “רק”? Radak
Bc they are comparing Shlomo to David and even if במות are permitted it leads to Avodah Zara and David wouldn’t do anything that would lead to Avodah Zara.
How does במות lead to Avodah Zara? Radak
Bc Avodah Zara is creating your own religion, if you have too much control over Judaism in turns into a different religion
What was in גבעון that made Shlomo visit it? Rashi
The main במה, he gave 1000 Korbans
Rashid says that this במה was the מזביח הנחושת that Moshe made on the Midbar
How common was silver?
as common as rocks
Describe the Jews during Shlomo’s reign
Many as the sand
eating, drinking a rejoicing
How long did Shlomo region before he started to build the Beit Hamikdash
4 years 2 months
וְהַמֶּלֶךְ שְׁלֹמֹה אָהַב נָשִׁים נָכְרִיּוֹת רַבּוֹת וְאֶת בַּת פַּרְעֹה מוֹאֲבִיּוֹת עַמֳּנִיּוֹת אֲדֹמִיֹּת צֵדְנִיֹּת חִתִּיֹּת
King shlomo loved many foreign women, and the daughter of Pharaoh; Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, and Hittites.
What does Hashem say about forgiven women that was a warning to Shlomo
They will sway your heart
Did shalom do avodah Zara
no but he allowed his wives to do it/encouraged-just as bad (as if he did it himself)
how did Shlomo’s wives influence him?
To take interest in Avodah Zara
how could someone as smart as Shlomo be so dumb to do what he did?
Bc he was so smart, he trusted him self so much he thought he could expose himself to Avoah Zara and not be effected
By Shlomo turning his back on Hashem he was turning his back on the ____ God, the ____ God, and the ____ God
Universal God
National God
Personal God
What is Shlomo’s punishment
The nation will be taken away from him and given to his servants
What are the merciful aspects to his punishment, why does Hashem take mercy of him
- Will not be in his lifetime
- will not take away all the tribes- you keep Yehuda and all that comes it
B/c of David
What a message does the last pasuk of Kohelet send
and at the end of the day all pleasure you get is short lived exept for listening and fearing hashem and keeping the mitzvot
Who was Yirvam?
only person to speak up to Shlomo, Shlomo wants to kill him after he speaks up
Where does Yirvam hide? Why os this ironic?
Bc Shlomo thought that he was making international relationships but Hashem is showing him that you will never get benfi from doing an Avareh
The Migolot- sentence about each one
Sheer Hasheerim- love song written in Shlomo’s early years- love btw Jews and G-d/ Shlomo and God
Mishlay- book of wisdom and advice- written in his golden years (after wisdom/ before turned away)
Kohellet- After he astrayed- written at end of his life- looks back at what he thought was important and what he knows now is