Test 1 Flashcards
What are the two biggest challenges for new teachers today?
- 1 in every 5 children in the public school is from an immigrant family.
- 17% of PS students live in proverbs
What is one thing beginning teachers are shocked by?
By the contrasts between their pre-service education and the complexity of the teaching profession.
What does NCLB stand for?
No Child Left Behind
What is INTASC?
Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium
List the 4 types of educational research with a brief description.
- Descriptive-what is occurring naturally
- Correlational-Relationships are examined.
- Experimental-Casual relationships are examined,independent variables chosen and dependent variables are manipulated.
- Action-teachers conduct in their own classroom to gauge effectiveness.
Professional knowledge
- content knowledge
* knowledge about learners
What is the definition of educational psychology?
Is the systematic study of human development behavior as it relates to education, training, or other academic setting.
Two main divisions of educational psychology.
- Human development
* learning
What are the 4 main goals of educational psychology.
- Describe
- Understand
- Predict
- Control behavior.
What is constructivism.
A view of learning that suggests that learners create their own knowledge of the topics they study rather than having the knowledge transmitted or delivered to them.
What is cognitive constructivism and who developed it?
Is based in the works of Piaget, focuses on individual, internal construction of knowledge
What are the two different metaphors used by Piaget and Vygosky for constructivist education?
“Child as scientist”
“Learner as communicator”
What is social constructivism and who developed it?
Suggests that learners first construct knowledge in a social context and then “own” it.
What is the difference between constructivism and direct instruction?
- direct instruction is teacher or curriculum centered.
* constructivist learning is learner centered.
What is pedagogy?
Literally means the art and science of educating children.
Mainly used by adult educators to describe the theory of adult learning.
What is scaffolding?
Any type of assistance used to make the learner through the ZPD.
What is Zone of proximal Development?
Difference between the tasks an individual can preform at his or her developmental level and the tasks or performance possible with the assistance of a skilled partner.
What is the role of the teacher in a constructivist classroom?
- Mentor
- Coach
- Facilitator
- Recourse person
What is sterotype?
A rigid, over simplistic, and inevitability inaccurate representation of any particular group of individuals.
What is culture?
Refers to the behavior patterns, beliefs, and other products of a particular group of people that are passed on from generation to generation.
What is dialect?
A special form of language with distictive pronunciations and grammatical structures.
What is the achievement gap?
Is commonly used to describe the difference in academic achievement between African- American or latino american students and white, middle SES students.
What is ESL?
Considered to be learning English as a second language, in the classroom they will be taught using both English and home language.
What is ELL?
Is emersion; students will be in an english only classroom
What is Gender?
Traits and behaviors that a particular culture believes to be appropriate for men or women.
What is sex?
The biological difference between men and women.
How do boys and girls use computers?
Boys-for games
Girls-for word processing
What is androgyny?
When a person adopts the best traits of both genders or appears to be gender-less.
What is ethnicity?
Refers to a shared pattern of characteristics such as cultural heritage, nationality, race, religion, and language.
What is bi-dialectism?
When a learner is able to decide which language dialect to use based on circumstance.
What is cultural Inversion?
When groups adopt the manners and mores of the dominant culture and are rejected by peers.