Test 1 Flashcards
Functions of amniotic fluid
Acts as a cushion to protect embryo
helps control the embryo’s temp
Permits symmetrical external growth
Allow the umbilical cord to be free of compression
Gravida refers to
The number of times a woman has been pregnant
Para refers to
the number of births 20 weeks gestation or greater
Term (# born 38-42 weeks)
Preterm (# born 20-38 weeks)
Abortion (before 20 weeks)
Living (# currently living)
Prenatal visits for weeks 4-28
One per month
Prenatal visits for weeks 28-36
2 per month
Prenatal visits for weeks 36-birth
1 visit per week
How many vessels to the fetus
1 vein
2 arteries
Nagele’s Rule
Subtract 3 months from first day of LMP and add 7 days
Goodell’s sign
Softening of cervix
Chadwick’s sign
Bluish-purple discoloration of cervix
Braxton hicks contractions
Irregular contractions of the uterus.
Presumptive signs of pregnancy (Subjective)
Amenorrhea N/V (frequently in first semester) Excessive fatigue Breast changes Quickening (18-20wks after LMP) Urinary frequency
Probable signs of pregnancy (Objective)
Goodell's, Hegar's and Chadwick's sign Enlarged abdomen Uterine souffle (soft blowing sound) Changes in pigmentation Ballottement Pregnancy tests Braxton Hicks contraction
Positive signs of pregnancy (Diagnostic)
Fetal heart tones
Fetal movements
Pregnancy warning signs
Vaginal bleeding Increased/decreased fetal movement HA or blurred vision Swelling of hands and feet Burning on urination Abdominal or chest pains Chills or fever Persistent vomiting Increase in fluid from the vagina
Rh Incompatibility
Antigen-antibody reaction. Mother is Rh negative and baby is Rh positive. The maternal body forms antibodies when the baby blood is mixed. This is called sensitization. Treatment is RhoGAM
Obtain amniotic fluid for genetic testing. Usually done between 15-17 weeks. Also done in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy for lung maturation. The quadruple screen is the most widely used test to screen for down syndrome, trisomy 18 and neural tube defects. Evaluation of fetal maturity.
Risks of amniocentesis
Pain Contraction Rupture of membranes Fetal Injury Infection Rh Isoimmunization
Nursing care during amniocentesis
Give Rh immune globulin if Rh negative
Monitor vital signs
Observe for contractions, amniotic fluid leakage, bleeding or pain.
Non stress test
Evaluates fetal well-being. Based on the knowledge that when the fetus has adequate oxygenation and an intact CNS there are accelerations of FHR with fetal movements. A reactive test is when there are 2 accelerations of at least 15bpm lasting at least 15 seconds in a 20 min period.
Vaginal exam consists of
Dilatation (opening of cervix in cm)
Effacement (thinning/shortening of cervix %)
Station (+ or -)
True labor
Contractions produce progressive dilatation and effacement of the cervix. They occur regularly and increase in frequency, duration and intensity. The discomfort of true labor contractions usually start in the back and radiates around to the abdomen. Pain is not relieved by ambulation, walking may intensify pain.
False labor
Contractions DO NOT PRODUCE cervical effacement and dilatation. Irregular, do not increase in frequency, duration or intensity. May be perceived as a hardening w/o discomfort or discomfort mainly in the lower abdomen and groin. Discomfort is relieved by ambulation and changes in position, warm showers and drinking large amounts of water.
Premature rupture of membranes (PROM)
Spontaneous rupture of membranes occurring before 37 weeks of gestation. Unknown cause but is associated with infection, previous hx of PROM, hydramnios, multiple pregnancies, UTI, amniocentesis, trauma, incompetent cervix, bleeding during pregnancy and maternal genital tract infection
Premonitory signs of labor
Lightening Braxton Hicks Bloody show Rupture of membranes Sudden burst of energy Weight loss Diarrhea, N/V Indigestion