Test #1 Flashcards
an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)
A group of programs created and run by the U.S. Treasury to stabilize the country’s financial system, restore economic growth and prevent FORECLOSURES IN the wake of the 2008 financial crisis through purchasing troubled companies’ assets and equity
the international flowering of capitalism in the sense that the power of free markets is being embraced, enthusiastically or reluctantly, almost everywhere on earth
Democratic Capitalism
US, Japan, Denmark- Favors business to create wealth and government to regulate as needed
State Capitalism
Russia, China, Saudi Arabia- employs the market to build wealth which in turn is controlled and distributed by the state for its political purposes
Mixed Economies
an economic system combining private and public enterprise
Capitalism: Reduce Government?
Capitalism in America was built on personal freedom and private property rights.
Monopolistic Abuse- gov. regulation constrained americas substantially free market
central public policy debate in American Life- proper balance between open markets and government intervention
Capitalism in Practice- Privatization
All services performed by government may be more efficiently equitably managed by private sector forces
2 patterns:
Contracting out where government, in effect turns over a portion of its duties to a private firm (garbage collection)
the sale or lease of public assets to a private party (airports and prisons)
brings reduced costs and improved expertise
Collectivism: Increase Government?
a political or economic theory advocating collective control especially over production and distribution
Most nations have rejected Marxist-Leninist totalitarianism
Communist Principles (marxist Fundamentals):
Core promise of economic justice for all
Concerns about growing imbalance between rich and poor
Erosion of society’s moral core by pursuit of wealth and self interest
Rejects communist totalitarianism, embraces democracy
Calls for aggressive government intervention
Socialists aims to retain benefits of industrialism
Goals: liberty, social welfare, fulfilling work, community, equality, rationaility
China Capitalism
“social capitalism”- Government intervention is the dominate economic force
Rising problems as economy soars
Lack of political freedom
Legal reforms in employment, contracts, property, antitrust, and anticorruption
Russia Capitalism
Moscow embraces consume capitalism after fall of the USSR and the ideological defeat of communism
Poor nation but striking economic performance
Plans to raise money through an aggressive privatization program
Future economic success tied to its political processes
Government’s centralization of economic power
Tightened control over politics, courts, activist, and mass media
Middle Ground? Mixed Economy
Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland practice social democracy successfully
Third way between harsher extremes of capitalism and communism
Provision of healthy economic growth- emphasizes the collective welfare over individual perferences
Gov provides education, healthcare, childcare, maternity and paternity leave, unemployment protection
gov incentives promote preferred behaviors
High taxes for cradle to grave welfare benefits
high gov expenditure for social purpose
Welfare Reform
Most EU nations face slow economic growth, low birthrates, and increasing life expectancy
EU is divided economically and culturally
Tough balance between seeking a new cultural balance between seeking a new cultural balance and preserving ancient herritage
American Dream at Risk?
Remarkable prosperity with occasional periods of distress
Number of Americans living below poverty line steadily rising
Extravagant wealth, side by side with punishing poverty is greatest disappointment
Despite success, American capitalism is criticized for problems of poverty, inequality, unfairness
Revolution and Capitalism
Capitalism produces growth and its powerful dynamism leads to instability and crashes
Ethics Theories
The measurement of business behavior based on standards of right and wrong
Finding and following moral course not easy
Universal Truth- Religion
Important role in ethics
Faith feature efforts to build absolute and universal standards
“Golden Rule”
Foundation of a moral life
Universal Truth-Libertarianism
Rooted in personal liberty
Coincides with the maximization of personal freedom
Free market stance toward ethics
Universal Truth- Virtue Ethics
Key to good ethics lies in the classic notion of character
Attention on stratigies for encouraging desirable character traits
Teleological Ethical System- concerned with the consequences of an act rather than the act itself
Utilitarianism- good to be weighed against evil
-Act: identify consequences of an act to determine whether it is right or wrong
-Rule:follow rules that generate the greatest value for society
Directed toward what ought to be , toward what is right rather than good
-principle is primary, consequence is secondary or even irrelevant
Formalism- Measured by the rightness of rules, not by consequences
-the rightness of an act depends on the result of the act