Test 1 Flashcards
What did the period of dehumanizations ensure for the Afro-Caribbean population?
It ensured the permanency of exclusion, powerlessness and poverty for the foreseeable future.
What are the three stages of Afro-Caribbean history?
- Dehumanization & Disenfranchisement (1600-1838)
- Emancipation (1838-1960)
- Independence (1960+)
What was necessary for Africans to obtain a better life?
It has become necessary for many to migrate in search of a better life.
What differentiated the second period from the first?
An absence of physical abuse, not social or economic exploitation
What remained the same between the second periond and the first?
- Social and economic exploitation OR
- Societies dominated by Euro political elites, monopolized by Euro business classes, and stratified by a rank-ordered color continuum.
In what specific ways was colonial society remarkable? (4 ways)
Mostly: Mistreatment of Africans as non-persons, use and abuse of African labor, promotion of newcomers socially above the African masses, elevation of the “master class” of Europeans above everyone else
What marked the entire period of colonialism?
Pauperization, powerlessness, and economic despair.
Until what time was political power reserved to Europeans?
Well into the mid-20th century.
In what areas of life were Africans effectively shut out?
Education, business, and government
How did the restlessness of Africans manifest itself as the 20th century unfolded?
Riots and Strikes
From the perspective of African radicals, what would provide a chance to share equally?
Constitutional reform, political change
What did the masses expect to come with independence?
Equality of opportunity from new laws and policies
What revived sense consumed the masses with the coming of independence?
Black Pride
Which leaders of the independence era gave the hope of representation?
Williams, Barrow, Burnham, Duvalier, Gairy
What do the masses expect new laws and policies to provide?
Equality of opportunity. Specifically: jobs, housing, business opportunities, sharing of wealth.