Test 1 + 2 Flashcards
1. Cause to be embarrassed; cause to feel self-conscious
“Nothing could ever abash him.”
~Reduce, Slack
1. Make less active or intense
“The doctor gave him medicine to abate his pain”
~Increase, Grow
1. Enlarge or increase
“The recent speech of the president augmented tensions in the Near East”
1. Give up, such as power, as of monarchs and emperors, or duties and obligations
“The King abdicated when he married a divorcee”
~ Take over, Seize
1. Seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one’s right or possession
“He assumed to himself the right to fill all positions in the town, he usurped my rights.”
1. A variation that deviates from the standard or norm
“In order to get what you want you must take advantage of the moment of deviation.”
~Agreement, Conformance
- Correspondence in form or appearance
- Acting according to certain accepted standards
“Their financial statements are in conformity with generally accepted accounting practices.”
1. Short account of an incident
“According to the anecdote, she was thought as a superior leader to her devotees.”
~Abhor, Contempt
- Lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike
- Open disrespect for a person or thing
“Scorning people like them won’t make any difference to your current situation. It will only make you suffer.”
~Retract, Give up
1. Formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure.
“She abjured her earlier statements of about her interest.”
1. Exceptionally bad or displeasing
“Our society is turning into an abominable place where we can’t even raise our children safely.”
~Teem with
- Be in a state of movement or action;
- Be abundant or plentiful; exist in large quantities
“The room abounded with screaming children.”
~Swish, Posh
1. Elegant and fashionable
“A classy dame who has an gentle attitude will definitely attract people.”
1. Revoke formally, cancel officially
“It never pays off to abrogate the defense treaty.”
~Long pillow, Reinforce
- A pillow that is often put across a bed underneath the regular pillows
- Support and strengthen
- Add padding to
“This arm shall be a bolster for thy head.”
~Preserve, carry on, maintain
- Keep or maintain in unaltered condition
- Stand up for
“We must uphold the old tradition in order to keep its value.”
~Desist, refrain
- Refrain from voting
- Choose not to consume
“The doctor advised the patient to abstain from smoking.”
~Sudden, disconnected, sharp
- Extremely steep
- Exceedingly sudden
“You must not give an abrupt reply toward elders.”
~Lagger, dawdled,poky
- Wasting time
- Someone who takes more time than necessary, someone who lags behind
“Laggards like you are not gonna make this situation better but to make it worse.”
~Complex, recondite, deep
- Difficult to penetrate
- Incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge
“No one could solve such an abstruse problem.”
~Coherent, luculent, sane
- Transparently clear
- Easily understandable
- Capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear consistent manner
“That was a lucid moment in his madness when he started to embrace her closely.”
- Sparing in consumption of especially food and drink
- Marked by temperance in indulgence
” I’m currently in an abstemious diet.”
~Illogical, foolish
1.Ridiculous, incongruous
“Absurd remarks may lead you into trial. So behave yourself.”
~Abysm, chasm, gulf
1. Bottomless gulf or pit
“As long as i have ambition in me,I can climb out of this abyss of despair.”
~Celestial sphere, heavens
1. The apparent surface of the imaginary sphere on which celestial bodies appear to be projected
“Let there be lights in the firmament in the dark ages like this.”
~Give in, defer, assent, acquiesce
- Take on duties or office
- Yield to another’s wish
- To agree or express agreement
“He is acceding to the throne because he was the hero of previous war.”
~Hinder, strangle, trammel
- Prevent the progress or free movement of
- A basket usually with a cover
- Restraint that confines or restricts freedom
“He was hampered in his efforts by the bad weather.”
1. A person who joins with another in carrying out some plan.
“Without an accomplice, the burglar could not have broken into the house.”
~Greet, come up to, solicit, hook
- Speak to someone
- Approach with an offer of sexual offers
“The gentleman was accosted by a beggar who demanded money.”
~Look across, look out on
- Look past
- Fail to notice
- Leave undone or leave out
- A high place affording a good view
~Summit, tiptop, apex, peak
- The highest point (of something)
- The highest degree or degree attainable
“The manager has reached the acme of his career.”
~Decline, ebb down, reflux
- The outward flow of the tide
- A gradual decline
“The tides ebbed at noon.”
~Accede, acquiesce
(X) Dissent
1. To agree or express agreement
2. Agreement with a statement or proposal to do something
“He gave his assent eagerly so that we can carry on the project.”
~Deterrent, baulk, rafter
- Resist to comply
- Hindrance, Difficulty
“A serious balk was encountered in obtaining a pure agent.”
~Disagree, protest, resist
1. Disagreement, objection
“Several republicans dissented this great offer that has a chance to make their country affluent.”