Test 1 Flashcards
What is Cognition?
Scientific study of the mind and its mental processes and operations.
How do Psychologists measure what hey cannot see?
From input (the stimuli) and output (our responses).
Franciscus Donders
Studied mental chronometry and calculated decision time using: Choice RT - Simple RT.
Wilhelm Wundt
Father of experimental psychology. Utilized analytical introspection.
Hermann Ebbinghaus
Self tested study on memory.
Inveted recall method.
Forgetting curve and loss of savings declined over time.
William James
Father of American Psychology.
Workings related to the topics of this class.
Mary Calkins
Student of William James.
Discovered the receny effect.
First female prez of APA.
Hermann George Canady
examiner race influences IQ
George Sanchez
cultural bias in IQ.
worked on mental measurements and bilingual edu.
founded chicano psychology.
Scientific study of objective and observable behavior; excludes subjective processes.
Resulted from Wundt’s analytic introspection.
John Watson
Founded behaviorism.
Rejected analytical introspection.
Little Albert Experiment using classical conditioning.
Little Albert Experiment
Deomstrated that behavior can be analyzed wo reference to the brain using classical conditioning.
BF Skinner
Behaviorist who accepts cognitive processes. Believed mental events were triggered by external environment stimuli which resulted in various behaviors.
Operant conditioning
Shape behaviors with reward or punishment. Used by BF Skinner to prove his point.
Cognitive Revolution
shift from behaviorism to an approach focused on understanding the mind. Influenced by dissatisfaction with behaviorism, rise of tech, and demands of war.
Cognitive revolution: dissatisfaction w behaviorism
behaviorism cannot explain complex cognitive processes
Cognitive Rev: Edward Tolman
Cognitive Map of space using rats.
Was a behaviorist whose work challened behaviorist ideas.
Cognitive Rev: Noam Chomsky
Children have an inborn ability to learn language so experience isn’t the only factor contributing to it.
Cognitive Rev: rise of tech
presence of digital computers and telephones on campuses suggested a new way of thinking: mind was a metaphor of computer.
Information processing approach
way to study the mind based on insights associated with the digital computer. A core feature of model cognitive psychology. Mind and computer have operations that occur in stages
Cog Rev: demands of war
WWII resulted in cognitive problems
Human Factors Engineering
the design of an equipment is suited for peoples’ cognitive capabilities
person-machine system
person operated machine must be designed to interact with people’s physical, cognitive, and motivational capacities.
Published the first Cog Psych book
Current Cognitive Psych
How the mind works; is interdisciplinary.
Cognitive Neuroscience
the scientific study of the biological basis of cognition; began during the cog rev when increases in physiological research occurred.
links behavior to neural systems at many levels of analysis.
cells specialized to create, receive, and transmit info in the nervous system
basic building blocks of the brain
variety in shapes and sizes
nerve net theory
neurons are interconnected, allowing for continuous communication
Santiago Ramon y Cajal
father of modern neuroscience
discovered that neurons have three basic parts and transmit signals
investigated tissues of newborn animals and saw that they had less cell density (neurons weren’t touching)
disproved nerve net theory
neuron doctrine
individual neurons are not connected, instead, they transmit signals to one another
cell body
contains mechanisms to keep the cell alive (metabolic center)
branches from the cell body that receive information from other neurons
nerve fiber that transmits electrical signal to other neurons
action potential
nerve impulse
electro-chemical signals that travel down an axon and gets transmitted to other neurons
part of the action potential gets transmitted electrically within the neuron
when the action potential is transmitted across neurons, this happens chemically through the release of neurotransmitters
action potential: electrical signal
action potential become this after dendrites send it to the axon terminal
action potential shape
a characteristic waveform
resting potential
electrical charge inside the neuron when it is doing “nothing”
(the charge inside is 70mV less than outside the cell) (at rest)
depolarization phase
when the electrical charge on the cell membrane exceeds -55mV treshold
(excitation of neuron is the start of action potential) (adjacent tissues are depolarized - how the action spreads along the neuron)
repolarization phase
time when another action potential cannot be generated (refractory period) (membrane potential goes below resting potential - called undershoot - before reaching resting potential again)
action potential: chemical signal
action potentials become this after axon terminals send it to dendrites
chemical messengers
action potential in the aon triggers the release of this into the synapse
two key features of an action potential that influence information processing
summation and all-or-none
the threshold for excitation is summed acorss space and time, because one dendrite may not be enough to reach the threshold to trigger the action potential
action potentials have one strength
neurons can vary in their firing rate, but not their firing amplitude