Test 1 Flashcards
What two major circumstances influenced Britain in the Eighteenth century?
The Industrial Revolution and the revival started by Anglican priest John Wesley, the Wesleyan Revival.
What is urbanization?
The influx of the poor into the towns.
When is William Booth’s birthday/birthplace?
April 10, 1928 in Nottingham, England
What were William’s three great aims in life?
Determination to get on in the world;
Ambition to work for the alleviation of the miseries of the poor;
A longing to get right with God.
William Booth converts from what to what?
Anglican to Methodist
Who were three great influences on early Christian evangelists?
James Caughey, Charles G. Finney, Phoebe Palmer
Caughey’s emphasis, after preaching, was on ‘knee work.’ What is the Salvation Army term for this?
Knee drill
What were other “American methods” used by they early Salvation Army?
Advertising meetings in rented halls, preaching and praying for specific results, bringing sinners to open confession of sin at a penitent form (altar or communion rail), and training converts to win others.
When and where did WIlliam move to find work?
London in 1848
What was the name of the Reformer who introduced William and Catherine?
Edward Rabbits
What date did William and Catherine meet?
April 10, 1852
When was Catherine Mumford born / where?
January 17, 1829 in Ashborne, Derbyshire
Why was Catherine committed to abstinence?
Her father was an alcoholic
When were William and Catherine married?
June 16, 1855
Why are our meetings called “Holiness meetings?”
Because of the experience of sanctification that the Booths went through.