Test 1 Flashcards
What invasion took place in the Anglo-Saxon Period and had the biggest influence on the course of English literature?
Norman invasion of 1066
What were the characteristics of the Anglo-Saxons?
- stern, barbaric life
- mixture of savagery, sentiment, nobility
- fatalism (wyrd)
- responsive to nature, especially the sea
- code of comitatus
- wergild/weregild
What is the code of comitatus?
loyalty of warrior to chief and chief to warrior
what is wergild?
man price
What were the ideals of the Anglo-Saxons?
- love of glory is the ruling motive of every noble life
- allegiance to lord or king is social virtue most extolled
- hospitality of lord to thane
What were some structures in Anglo-Saxon literature?
caesura and alliteration
What was some of the content in Anglo-Saxon literature?
kennings and litotes
What are kennings?
primitive speech form; a compound noun which describes terms in use (whale-path, swan-road, for sea)
What are litotes?
a type of understatement
What literature were of the Anglo-Saxons?
“Ecclesiastical History of the English-Speaking People”
“Anglo-Saxon Chronicle”
What are some characteristics of the “Ecclesiastical History of the English-Speaking People”?
- written by Venerable Bede
- first known record of the English people
What are some characteristics of the “Anglo-Saxon Chronicle”?
- begun by Alfred the Great
- first continuous history of a western nation in its own language
- first great book of English prose
What are some characteristics of Beowulf?
- oldest surviving epic of Teutonic people
- folk epic - didactic
What is a didactic?
a teaching first rather than entertainment
What war occurred during the Medieval Period?
Wars of the Roses (York v. Lancaster)
What religious influences was exerted during the Medieval Period?
the Catholic Church heavily influenced people’s worldviews
What are some culture characteristics of the Medieval Period?
- chivalry
- language is Middle English
Define Chivarly
the combination of qualities expected of an ideal knight, especially courage, honor, courtesy, justice, and readiness to the weak