Test 1 Flashcards
A theory based, research-led discipline that aims to understand and promote individual well-being by applying solutions to health problems related to physical related to physical inactivity.
Exercise science
The study of principles of mechanics and anatomy in relation to human movement.
A specialization within the field of kinesiology. These medical professionals study the body’s responses to physical activity as well as how the body adapts to physical activity over time.
Exercise physiology
The level of anxiety about a sporting event or performance. Increased arousal can lead to better performance, helping you stay alert, focused, and attentive. Excessive arousal can lead to anxiety, leaving you nervous and unable to concentrate.
Athletic arousal
Transportation, schedule, money, causes too much pain, no one to exercise with.
External factors
Broken leg, no motivation, already active enough, do not know how to do it.
Internal factors
Describe the influence of some type of external reward, such as money or praise or recognition.
Extrinsic motivation
Within, such as personal achievement, enjoyment, self-confidence, and positive emotions.
Intrinsic motivation
A model of behavior change that assesses and individuals readiness to act on a new healthier behavior and provides strategies to guide then through the stages of change.
Transtheoretical model (TTM)
I will complete a minimum of two-full-body resistance training sessions each week.
SMART goal
An individual’s perceptions, beliefs, and interpretation of the pros and cons related to changing their behavior.
Decisional balance
Situational or task specific self confidence. An individual’s belief that they are capable of exercising and adhering to lifestyle change.
Self-regulatory beliefs such as staying positive and maintaining self-belief . An athlete high in self-confidence will harness their degree on self-belief and meet challenges head on.
Next year, I want to run in the NYC marathon in three hours by completing a six-month training schedule providing by a coach.
SMART goal
When a person focuses on the desired results instead of the process or effort that it takes to get there.
Outcome oriented goals