test 1 Flashcards
original / old definition & name of psychology
Psyche in greek means “soul” & “mind”
current definition of psychology
systematic study of behaviour and experience
what is free will
-all behaviour is independent , people are free agent
every action must be a probable cause
Mind body problem (important philosopher who?)
Renee descartes
-skeptic and doubted everything
Mind body problem
(famous quote linked)
i think therefore i am
Mind body problem
(dualism definition)
mind and body are two different things but somehow interact with each other
Mind body problem
conscious experience is inseparable from brain
Nature vs Nurture
(which is fixed/ growth mindset)
Nature: hereditary / internal factors (fixed)
Nurture: environment / external factors (growth)
Founder of modern psychology
Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt
William James
- focus on what the mind does than what the mind is
Edward TItchener
- attempt to describe the structure of the mind
(comprised of sensation, feelings and images)
Difference between structuralism and functionalism
structuralism: Theory ( focus on taste, structure, smell)
functionalism: application (purpose and benefit of eating apple)
Behaviourism and law of learning
explain how learning is a product of reinforcement and punishment