Test 1 Flashcards
- What is the fallacy of composition? Give an example related to macroeconomics. [58 words]
The fallacy of composition arises when one infers that something is true of the whole from the fact that it is true of some part of the whole. For example, while it is possible for an individual to spend more than she earned, a closed economic system cannot, since a surplus unit must offset every deficit unit.
- Distinguish between validity and cogency. [25 words]
An argument is valid if the conclusion if supported by premises. An argument is cogent if it is valid and the premises are warranted/reasonable.
Explain why injections must be equal to leakages in a closed system. [127 words]
Total expenditures in the macro economy are defined as follows: AE= C+ I+ G+ (X-M). Total income is defined as follows: Y= C+ S+ T. Since every time one makes an expenditure it becomes someone else’s income, AE=Y and C+I+G+(X-M)=C+S+T. Cancelling C and rearranging, we get: I+G+X=S+T+M. In other words, injections= leakages. How they move to equality, varies by school of thought. But from the Keynes/Keynesian perspective, the process hinges on the fact that S, T & M are all a direct function of Y. Therefore, if injections are greater than leakages, this raises Y, which raises leakages until they are equal again. If Injections are less than leakages, this lowers Y, which lowers leakages until they are equal once more.
Derive the simple income multiplier
a. Y=C+I+G+(x-m) C=a+bY Y=a+bY+I+G+(x-m) Y-bY= a+I+G+(x-m) Y(1-b)=a+I+G+(x-m) Y=1/(1-b)*(a+I+G+(x-m) where 1/(1-b)is the multiplier
- How does, ceteris paribus, a more even distribution of income create a higher level of GDP? [56 words]
The wealthy spend a smaller percentage of their income than the poor do. For example, in 2010, the top quintile spent roughly 60%, while the bottom four quintiles spent around 90%. This means that as income is concentrated closer to the top, spending per dollar declines, as does the marginal propensity to consume and the multiplier
Derive the income multiplier with imports as a function of income. Is this multiplier higher or lower than the simple income one and why? [Equations and notes]
Y=C+I+G+(x-m) C=a+bY M=d+mY Y=a+bY+I+G+x-d-mY Y-bY+mY=a+I+G+x-d Y(1-b+m)=a+I+G+x-d Y= 1/(1-b+m)*(a+I+G+x-d) It is lower because every round, some spending does not raise domestic income as it leaves the country for imports.
Derive the income multiplier with taxation. Is this multiplier higher or lower than the simple income one and why? [Equations and notes]
Y=C+I+G+(x-m) C=a+bYd Yd=Y-tY (disposable income= income- taxes) Y=a+b(Y-tY)+I+G+(x-m) Y=a+bY-btY+I+G+(x-m) Y-bY+btY=a+I+G+(x-m) Y - b(1 - t)Y = a + I + G + (X - M) Y(1- b(1 - t)) = a + I + G + (X - M) Y = (1/1-b(1-t))(a + I + G + X - M) This equation will be smaller than the simple income equation because some money escapes in taxes
Give an example to show how even a balanced government budget boosts GDP. Why is this so? [equations and notes]
a. Y=C+I+G+(x-m) C=a+bYd Yd=Y-T Y=a+bYd+I+G+(x-m) Y=a+bY-bT+I+G+(x-m) Y(1-b)=a-bT+I+G+(x-m) Y= example: b=0.8. a=10, T=0, I=50, G=0, (x-m)=0 Y= Y=300 Now, set T=G=10 Y= Y=310 Agents would have saved some portion of the 10 taxed away (2), but the government spent the entire amount.
- What is the most critical fact one needs to know in order to understand the role of the federal budget? [23 words]
The most critical is the fact that the private sector is incapable of consistently generating sufficient demand to hire all those willing to work.
- What is the only entity capable of creating demand from thin air? [1 word]
Why is it that cutting the deficit by reducing spending does not put money in the pockets of those in the private sector (two reasons)? [34 words]
a. You weren’t being taxed to finance the deficit in the first place
b. Government spending is money in someone’s pocket.
You can spend your way out of a recession because a recession is caused by a lack of what? [1 word]
When would cutting government spending free up resources for the private sector to grow; and why is this not the case in the midst of the worst recession since the Great Depression (in terms of what is available to the private sector and what they were choosing to do)? [29 words]
If we were already at full employment and using all our productive capacity. However, we currently have plenty of idle resources, the private sector is simply choosing not to employ them.
- When might deficit spending create inflation? [6 words]
a. If we were already at full employment
- Government surpluses do not help the economy grow because they represent what? [7 words]
Government surpluses represent a net drain on private-sector income