Test 1 Flashcards
Chapter 1-3
What is politics?
What do politicians strive for?
the concern with the authoritative allocation of value(s) in a society
Politicians strive to bring the max degree of change in the opposing group with a minimum
What is important in politics?
Politics involves individuals and groups with varying amounts of power, seeking control and making decisions for a larger group that benefit some more than others
What are beliefs?
Beliefs are the things we consider to be true about politics
- we tend to hang out with people with similar beliefs
- beliefs are difficult to change
- not often based on facts, passing on beliefs as facts can be very dangerous- they go beyond facts
Why must we understand what others believe
so we can interact, cooperate and compete
Political Actors
-want power and entice us to agree with them with any means possible
-it is not their job to “tell the truth” so they will tell incomplete or out of context or incorrect information
Political scientists
They scientifically seek out the best information to transparently describe & explain/behaviors
Fund research and publish findings
IT IS their job to produce trustworthy findings
Why we don’t often have much use for the facts
We like our beliefs more, even in the face of opposing facts
- plagued by many cognitive biases and heuristics
Confirmation bias
Happens when we interpret new information as supporting the beliefs or
theories we already held, even when it doesn’t
Implicit Bias
Occurs when we subconsciously and automatically ascribe certain
negative characteristics or behaviors to someone because of the group to
which we mentally assign them
Availability Heuristic
A mental shortcut our mind often takes that assumes that the most recent
and frequently revisited information is the best to use for a given decision
Representative Heuristic
Another mental shortcut that assumes that because someone or
something is accurately described by characteristic “Z”, that they also
must also possess characteristics “W,” “U,” and “V” because we always
expect those 4 characteristics to occur together
Biases are.. and always…
Biases are legion, but are always bad—they
skew and warp our perception as things
really are
Heuristics are often what…
good- we use them everyday to reduce time and to classify and decide
bad- when we make an irrational decision because the mental shortcut misled us
Winners v. Losers
-No matter the decision, there will be some of each
-They may be groups or individuals
Today v. Tomorrow
-Which is sacrificed for the other?
-Political will is often absent when it comes to matters seen as over the horizon
What is the Today trap?
It’s human nature to prioritize immediate
benefits over future investment
When looking at information make sure that..
-Terms are clearly defined
-Measurements should be complete and accurate as possible
-Measurements may or may not vary over time
Empirical Data is..
The basis
Science always begins with observations
Transparent process
Science is a community effort; trust is coin of the realm
Rules-based investigation
Rules are more important than results
Independently confirmable
Must be repeatable by others to be trusted
Never the “last word”—always more to discover
Reliability (R)
Consistency of results from repeatable
Validity (V)
Acceptability of measure as pertinent to
the question being asked
Natural Science data
Can often lead to high R and high V
Social Science
Data often permits only lower R, V
Normative measure
means arising from norms (social
standards); these can be (and often are) challenged (to learn best v. worst)