Test 1 Flashcards
substantive definitions
what religion “is” The necessary, essential features of religion
functionalist definitions-
what religion “does” The roles, functions and effects of religion
religion as classification-
- Religion as a secular, academic pursuit (with no theological agenda).
Global and pluralistic.
There is no single way to classify religion.
In religious studies, religion is drawn from the humanities and social sciences from the field of art.
EB Tylor-
- (1832-1917) Religion as a product of animism.
Animism is the belief that some objects have souls. Attributing a personality to inanimate object
Tylor popularized the idea of animism
James Frazer-
-(1854-1941) Religion is a product of magic and superstition
Religion vs magic
Religion vs habit
Emile Durkhiem-
-(1858-1917) Very functionalist views.
Society as Sacred.
“A religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden – beliefs and practices which unite into one single moral community called a Church, all those who adhere to them.”
Karl Marx-
Religion “secondary to a larger system of economic and political exploitation.”
Concepts of God, god, gods
s- The idea of monotheism, polytheism, henotheism, theism, and nontheism.
Personal vs non-personal gods.
The “haves” and “have-nots”.
The “haves” are placed into four main groups of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and ?
The “have-nots” are everyone else.
A hierarchy of religions and cultures.
God with a capital refers to a specific God.
god with no capital refers to a god in general, not a specific one.
Christianity, Monotheism-
Monotheism is the belief in one god or goddess
- The belief in or worship one or more gods
adherence to one particular god out of several, especially by a family, tribe, or other group. Example (professor saying we have to believe in the same thing he does)
Non belief in any gods or goddesses
Lack of belief in a god or gods.
Personal god
Personal god: a god that has physical form , spiritual “person” (name, character, emotions, body). Examples Jesus
Impersonal god
Impersonal god: a god that has no form, no definite body, shape, identity etc. examples brahman, dao