Test 1 Flashcards
Internal Publics
Are inside the organization: supervisors, clerks, managers, stockholders, and the board of directors.
Primary, secondary, and marginal Publics
Can most help or hinder—the organization’s efforts. Secondary publics are less important, and marginal publics are the least important of all. For example, members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, who regulate banks, would be the primary public for a bank awaiting a regulatory ruling, whereas legislators and the gen-eral public would be secondary. On the other hand, to the investing public, interest rate pronouncements of the same Federal Reserve Board are of primary importance.
External Publics
Publics are those not directly connected with the organization: the press, government, educators, customers, suppliers, and the community.
Understand systems of laws behind issue.
Return on Investment
Profit, Donation, Volunteers - The overall goal
Research, Plane, Implement, evaluate.
Our communications should…
Cut through to society, which is overwhelmed by mass comm, especially social media communications.
We deliver…
Persuasive and actionable items
Action first approach
Get orgs to take good action
-Performance must precede publicity
-Act first and communicate later
-Positive action communicated straightforwardly
Research in PR includes…
Situational analysis: analysis/info and closes the gap of knowledge
To follow RPIE you must…
Take given problem then:
-Plan Implement
In PR planning you create…
Goals - where do you need to get to in the future
-identify your audience
-strategic messages
In PR planning after your goals you generate…
Objectives (media)
-Two key elements: measureable and a deadline
-Should have at least one objective for each identified audience
In PR planning after your objectives you create…
-Your big idea: event, social media event, etc.
To execute a PR plan you use…
Tactics, which are all the things required to execute your plan
news releases, social media messages, media interviews. (the smaller details that make everything possible)
PR essentially should…
Persuade people to be in relationships with the organization in support of their bottomline.
PR is rooted in…
Democracy because of its tied to freedom of speech and press
PR practices maximum disclosure and minimum delay…
in support of public’s right to know and mutually beneficial relationships
How old is PR as a profession?
Three main elements of PR today
Relationships, social sciences, digital era
Ivy Ledbetter Lee
Was a journalist who help Rockefeller deal with his company’s crisis.
Evolution of PR has been influenced by…
Growth of big institutions, heightened public awareness, increasing evidence of societal change, globalization, dominance of the internet and growth of social media.
Ancient beginnings of PR include…
Sophists, Romans, Catholic Church
We are the top communicators so…
Our communication must be handled with care and meticulously calibrated.
As communicators we…
impart ideas, make ourselves understood, understand others in return.
Goals of communication are to…
Inform, persuade, motivate, and build mutual understanding.
Theories of communication
Two step flow theory: Mass media informs leaders who in turn inform masses.
Concentric-circle theory: Developed by Elmo Roper, great thinkers generate ideas and through many levels are eventually disseminated to inert masses.
Common communication occurrences include…
-SEMDR (source, encoding, message, decoding, receiver)
-Confirmation bias
-Spiral of Silence
Grunig-Hunt Public Relations Models
-Press agentry/publicity
-Public info
-Two-way asymmetric - org is pushing out info
-Two-way symmetric - org and audience push out info (this most reflects our world today)
The message in PR
Has three theories for what the actual message is
The content is the message means…
The meaning of the article or intent of the speech is most important. (this is the most popular theory)
The medium is the message means…
The medium in which a message is carried, like the reputability of the source or power and believability determines the message.
The framing is the message means…
The person is the message.
A major difference between public relations and marketing/advertising is…
Public relations promotes an entire organization, including its people, products, and services
Publics that are classified as internal publics include…
Stockholders and board of directors
PR is an industry that is…
Growing in numbers and respect
The effectiveness of PR depends on…
Level of access the department has to management.
Spin is…
Outright lying to cover a bad situation and is not PR
Sophists were…
Elected to leadership positions because of their speaking abilities and persuasiveness.
Amos Kendall
is considered the forerunner to today’s White House press secretary because of the duties he performed for Andrew Jackson
A key trend contributing to the evolution of PR is…
The growing power of public opinion to act as a positive force in shaping democratic societies.
P.T. Barnum’s attitude was…
Public be fooled
Integrated marketing refers to the intersection of…
Publicity, advertising, sales promotion, and marketing.
IMC campaigns don’t include…
Paid advertisements, it is considered marketing and advertising.
Marketing has changed to…
Not only view PR as merely an ancillary of marketing
Integrated Marketing Communications is…
The consolidated efforts of marketing, advertising and public relations on behalf of the organization.
Branding is…
Differentiating the identity of the position of a company and/or its products and services.
A critical part of communicating is…
To make oneself understood.
To determine whether communication objective has been met you can measure…
Amount of sales, number of letters to editors, or number of votes obtained.
When there is no receiver for your message you are…
Not communicating.
More education-based information is needed today because…
Today’s consumers are more media-savvy, better-educated, and generally smarter, they expect the Internet to provide.
Public Opinion can…
Change quickly and is vulnerable
The primary focus of the practice of public relations is…
Trying to influence an individual’s attitude – how he or she thinks on a given topic.
Research indicates that an attitude is likely…
An evaluation made about a specific problem or issue.
PR efforts should influence both…
Heuristic and strategic thinkers
Social media in PR is…
A tool
Many internet businesses that rose in the 1990s…
Flamed out in the 21st century.
A website is…
An organization’s “first face”