Test #1 Flashcards
Low Socioeconomic Home
Family have a low economic and
social position. Tends to correlate
with lower educational achievement, poverty and poor health;
Social Development
Interactions with people or the environment
Response to Intervention (RtI)
a process to monitor and measure
student progress in the general education curriculum after instructional intervention is provided;
small group pull-out, tutoring
Executive Function
the cognitive abilities to control
one’s thoughts, emotions, and
actions - this includes working
memory, inhibitory control and
flexible thinking; Executive function is responsible for
many skills, including paying attention,
organizing, planning and prioritizing.
Abuse / Neglect
Acts or failures to act by caregivers
that lead to physical or emotional harm;
Intrinsically Motivated
students draw their motivation from the learning process itself
Learning / Tactile Learning
Learning primarily by touching
things or doing an activity;
create and act out plays or skits
Learning new behaviors by
adjusting our current view of the world;
Research projects
Flexible Thinking
the ability to adjust to changed
priorities (a component of
executive function); A child uses flexible thinking to find an
alternative way to solve a problem
when the first method doesn’t work.
Language Barriers
Individuals whose primary language
is not English may encounter
difficulties with communication
Inhibitory Control
the ability to think before acting (a
component of executive function);
Resisting the urge to eat dessert is an
example of inhibitory control
Substance Abuse
overindulgence in or dependence
on an addictive substance; Alcoholism
Auditory Learning
Learning primarily by hearing things; Lectures
Socioeconomic Issues
Issues coming from economic and
social position in relation to others,
based on income, education, and
poverty, low income, religious
persecution, discrimination