Test 1 Flashcards

Nicola Pisano
Tne Annunciation and the Nativity
Pulpit of the Baptistry at Pisa Cathedral

Giovanni Ciamabue
Madonna Enthroned with Angels and Prophets

Madonna Enthroned

Lamentation over Christ

Death of St. Francis

Bell Tower
14th Century
Florence, Italy

Simone Martini
The Annunciation

Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Peaceful City; Detail from the fresco, Allegory of Good Government: The Effects of Good Government in the City and the Country

Limbourg Brothers
August from Les Tres Riches Heures Du Duc de Berr

Robert Campin (Master of Flemalle) Merode Altarpiece (open)

Jan Van Eyck
Man in a Red Turban (Self-portrait?)

Jan Van Eyck
Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride

Rogier Van der Weyden
Escorial Deposition

Hugo Van Der Goes
Portinari Altarpiece

Hieronymus Bosch
Garden of Earthly Delights

Filippo Brunelleschi
The Sacrifice of Isaac

Lorenzo Ghiberti
The Sacrifice of Isaac

Lorenzo Ghiberti
East doors of the Baptistry of Florence Cathedral

Lorenzo Ghiberti
Story of Joseph
East doors of the Baptistry of Florence Cathedral
(Gates of Paradise)

Donatello Prophet figure (Zuccone)


Gattamelata (Equestrian statue of Erasmo da narni)

Mary Magdalene

Filippo Brunelleschi
Dome of Florence Cathedral

Filippo Brunelleschi
Ospedale degli innocenti

Filippo Brunelleschi
West façade of Pazzi Chapel

Michelozzo di Bartolommeo
Palazzo Medici-Riccardi

Gentile da Fabriano
Adoration of the Magi

Tribute Money

The Explusion of Adam and Eve After cleaning

Holy Trinity

Paolo Uccello
The Battle of San Romano

Paolo Uccello
The Battle of San Romano

Piero della Francisca
The Resurrection

Fra Filippo Lippi
Madonna and Child with Angels
Fra Filippo Lippi
Madonna and Child with Angels
- Lippi was a monk but only in name not in character
- He ran away with a nun and had a child
- Mary is actually the nun he ran away with - the use of models is new
- Lippi taught Botticelli (who is know for his linear quality)

Leon Battiste Alberti
Sant’ Andrea
Mantua, Italy
Leon Battiste Alberti
Sant’ Andrea
- revival of Roman (arches) and Greek (temple front + columns)
- pilaster: a flattened pillar
- Alberti is known for using pilasters
- coffered: recessed to make it 3D
- rosset: the flowers in the middle of the coffers

Leon Battiste Alberti
Santa Maria Novella

Andrea del Verrocchio
Museo Nazionale del Bargello
Andrea del Verrocchio
- differs from Donatello’s David: clothing, open composition, active pose, more tension in the body
- it is thought that this looks like Da Vinci when he was young

Andrea del Verrocchio
Bartolommeo Colleoni

Antonio Pollaiuolo
Hercules and Anteaus

Antonio Pollaiuolo
Battle of the Ten Nudes

Sandro Botticelli
Springtime (Prin temps)

Sandro Botticelli
The Birth of Venus

Sandro Botticelli
Portrait of a Youth

Bernardo Rossellino
Tomb of Leonardo Bruni

Domenico Ghirlandaio
Giovanna Tornabuoni?

Domenico Ghirlandaio
Birth of the Virgin

Fra Angelico
The Annunication

Detail—Andrea del Castagno
The Last Supper

Luca della Robbia
Madonna and Child

Pietro Perugino
Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to St. Peter

Andrea Mantegna
Ceiling of the Camera delgi Sposi

Andrea Mantegna
Dead Christ

Luca Signorelli
The Damned Cast into Hell

Leonardo Da Vinci
Virgin of the Rocks

Leonardo Da Vinci
Cartoon for Virgin and Child with St. Anne and the Infant St. John

Leonardo Da Vinci
Mona Lisa

Leonardo Da Vinci
The Last Supper

Donato Brumante
The Tempetto

Michaelangelo Buonarroti

Michaelangelo Buonarroti

Michaelangelo Buonarroti
Unfinished Slave

Michaelangelo Buonarroti
Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel (Detail of Creation of Adam)

Michaelangelo Buonarroti
Sistine Chapel—The Last Judgment

Michaelangelo Buonarroti
Dome of St. Peter’s Cathedral

Philosophy (School of Athens)

Marriage of the Virgin

Baldassare Castiglione

Portrait of Pope Julius II

Giovanni Bellini
Madonna and Child, Three Musical Angels, and SS. Francis, John the Baptist, Job, Dominic, Sebastian, and Louis of Toulouse, known as the St. Job (Giobbe) Altarpiece

Giovanni Bellini
Doge Leonardo Loredan

Pastoral Symphony

Venus of Urbino

Matthias Grunewald Isenheim Altarpiece (closed)

Albrecht Dürer
Self portrait

Albrecht Dürer
The Fall of Man (Adam and Eve)

Hans Holbein (the Younger) The French Ambassadors

Château du Chambord

Pieter Bruegel (the elder) Kermiss (Peasant Weddin)

Pieter Bruegel (the elder) The Peasant Dance

Pieter Bruegel (the elder) The Tower of Babel