Test 1 Flashcards
Definition of a Bounded Operator
An operator is bounded if there is a C>0 such that ||Tx||<=C||x|| for every x.
Equivalent conditions for a bounded operator
An operator is continuous at 0 iff it is continuous for a fixed x iff it is continuous at every x iff it is bounded
Norm of an operator T
The norm is the infimum over all C such that ||Tx||<=C||x||, and is also the supremum over ||Tx|| for unit length x.
The Hahn-Banach Theorem
Let X be a normed space over R, Y a closed subspace, and f a bounded linear functional on Y. Then there exists a linear functional g from X to R which extends f and maintains its norm.
Nowhere Dense
A subset of a metric space is nowhere dense if its closure has an empty interior, equivalently, if the complement of the closure is dense.
First Category
A set A of a metric space X is of first category if it can be written as the countable union of nowhere dense sets.
Baire Category Theorem V1
Let X be a complete metric space and let U_n be a sequence of dense, open sets. Then the intersection over U_n is dense.
Baire Category Theorem V2
Every complete metric space is of 2nd category.
Uniform Boundedness
Let X,Y be normed spaces, U a subset of X of 2nd category, and F a collection of functions in B(X,Y) with sup{||Tu||:T in F}
Open Mapping Theorem
Let X,Y be Banach Spaces with T:X->Y a bounded surjection. Then T is open.
Closed Graph Theorem
Let X,Y be Banach spaces, and T in L(X,Y). Then T is bounded iff the graph of T is closed.
Topological Convergence
A net x_a converges to x if for every open set U there is an a0 such that x_a is in U for every a>=a0.
Weak Topology
Let X be a normed space. The weak topology is defined by the convergence: x_a converges weakly to x if f(x_a) converges to f(x) for all functionals f.
Weak* Topology
The Weak* Topology on the dual of a normed space is defined by the convergence: f_a converges to f if f_a(x) converges to f(x) for every x in X.
Banach-Alaoglu Theorem
The closed unit ball in X* is compact.