Test 1 Flashcards
Why does the gravity model work?
Large economies tend to have large incomes and tend to spend more on imports
Which things increase trade between two countries?
larger economies
historical ties
linguistic/or cultural affinity
mutual membership in preferential trade agreements
Characteristics of indifference curves
the slope of the indifference curve is the marginal rate of substitution
indifference curves are usually bowed towards the origin
indifference curves are downwards sloping when both goods are bads
Ceterus Paribus means we assume
factors besides those under consideration do not change
Top 3 US trade partners
Mexico, Canada, Japan…
Over the last 50 years, world production_____ and world trade____
increased, increased
International economics _______use the same fundamental methods of analysis as other branches of economics, because
the motives and behavior of individuals are the same in international trade as they are in domestic transactions
The demand curve for beverages slopes downward because
when the price of beverages falls, consumers buy more beverages
The supply curve for beverages slopes upward because
when the price of beverages falls, producers make less beverages
Over the last 50 years, U.S. imports…
increased more than exports
One of the main actions of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries in 1973 was to
reduce oil supply, causing world oil prices to rise
A drop in the price of beverages causes
a movement along the beverage deman curve
Suppose a Pepsi soda machine and a Coca Cola machine were sitting right next to each other and they both charged $1 for a bottle of their own soda. If Coca Cola raised its price to $1.25 we might expect that the demand curve…
the demand curve for Pepsi would shift to the right.
Factors that cause the PPF to shift out
Discovery of new oil fields in Texas
New manufacturing technologies
In a model with only chips and beverages, the price of beverages is defined as
the number of chips you have to give up to get one more beverage
True or False: Migration between countries is allowed in the Ricardian model
True or False: the Ricardian model has one factor of production
True or False: there is no money in the Ricardian model
True or False: Factors are perfectly mobile between sectors in the Ricardian model
True or False: Indifference curves are downwards sloping if both goods are good