Terrorist related incident Flashcards
how can an ILO be contacted
The DUTY ILO can be contacted via the officer of the watch (OOW) at Brigade Control extension 50161/2.
Cordons will be implemented for all terrorist related incidents, and these must be strictly observed by all personnel. Cordon distances for devices not actuated will be
Up to suitcase size more than 100m. o Car/light vehicle more than 200m. o HGV/lorry more than 400m*.
Note: If any doubt exists on size, 400m should be the minimum distance
The primary duty of the Brigade
Extinguish fire
treat casualties
police Incident Commander will be responsible
for the overall control and co-ordination of the incident.
The Fire Brigade Incident Commander (Fire Silver) will, in consultation with the Police Incident Commander (Police Silver) be responsible fo
fire fighting and rescue operations
Regardless of what criteria the call received falls into, Incident and Crew Managers in particular and all personnel in general are to:
• Think - Secondary Devices • Think - Safe Cordon Distances • Think - Safety! Do not touch.
The use of appliance and hand held radio is subject to the following minimum distance restrictions on transmission.
Appliance and Main Scheme Radios 50m
Hand Held Radios 10m
Before siting appliances and/or committing personnel into an area, consideration must also have been given to the following:
• Not in direct line of sight • Away from glass • Away from secondary hazards. (parked vehicles, Garages etc.) • Behind hard cover. • Upwind if any suspicion of chemical or biological agent • Beware secondary devices • Request police - if not in attendance.
If the police are not in attendance, Incident Commanders should establish
their Command Point in such a way as to make it readily movable should the police request this.
Brigade Control must be kept fully informed of
appliance movements.
It should be remembered at all times that the incident area is a scene of crime, and every effort should be made by personnel to prevent any further loss or damage to potential evidence
min [personel no lorries in area leave fatalities do not unnesesarily move debris think statements and capture personel details
For devices activated The early establishment of both the Brigade’s Command Team and the multi-service Command Team is vital. Simple strategies such
Early command point
rendezvous point
may be safer to have rendezvous point
at local fire station.
Think secondaries
At device activated be aware of waht until declared safe
min personel
safety crews
At a device activated LFB core roles are
rescue and firefighting and making the area safe for both the victims and the other emergency services in respect of the debris created by the explosion
What other policy may be needed
Major incident
IED message informative
“From………… at…………; suspect vehicle parked in roadway; Police investigating; Brigade standing by at RVP; tactical mode Delta”.