Terrorism Test 1 Flashcards
What was the first terrorism organization to start skyjacking and random hostage taking?
What is the first line of defense in political Terrorism?
Intelligence information
What is this idea that expresses the Jewish yearning for political and self determination in their homeland
Who was recently elected as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in Gaza?
What is the main difference between political terrorism and domestic crimes?
In the language of Al Qaeda “eagle” is the code word for what country?
United States
What are the goals of HAMAS?
Destroy Israel, Destroy the PLO and any peace they try to negotiate, and disrupt peace talks in the middle east.
Who is the founder and spiritual leader of Al Qaeda?
Osama Bin Laden
What is the most common type of recorded terrorist incident?
What is a soft target?
Easy, unguarded, unexpecting. Such as a university, sporting event.
What does Hezbollah mean?
Party of God
In which war was all of former Palestine united?
Six day war
How have HAMAS and other Palestinian terrorist groups generated extensive media attention worldwide?
Bombings in Israel
What major factor distinguishes an act of terrorism from an ordinary crime?
Political motivation
What country provides the spiritual and financial backing of Hezbollah?
What middle eastern terrorist group was first to introduce the tactic of suicide bombers?
According to the U.S. State department, Which of the following is not an example of state sponsored terrorism?
what is the major driving force behind international terrorism in the 21st century?
Religious fundamentalism