terror Flashcards
what were the 4 causes of terror
economic motives
Stalins paranoia
kirov and assassination of kirov
political opposition
what caused more opposition in 1932-3
a famine due to forced collectivisation where peasants started to set fire to collective farms
What did Ryutin produce
a 200 page document entitlesd ‘stalin and the crisis of the proletariat dictatorship’ in March 1932
Became known as the ryutin platform
What happened to Ryutin and other party members
Ryutin imprisoned for 10 years
zinoviev, kamanev and 14 other members expelled from the party
What did Stalin further do in 1934 with party members
24 further explusions where a 1/5 of the party was branded Ryutinites and expelled
what happened in the 1935 committee vote
Kirov topped Stalin 1225 votes to 927
why was kirov assassinated
He was approached and given the opportunity to be general secratary, he refused. Stalin saw this as a sign to purge the party
when was kirov murdered
December 1934
What was Stalins paranoia
He felt he could not trust the communist party and despite being the unchalleneged ruler of Russia he believed he still had many enemies
What did Stalin do within the party
All people with leading positions fell from power
Who did he think would overthrow him
Old bolshevik members who had not entirely converted to his idea of socialism
Why did Stalin fear assassination attempts
He believed the red army and secret police had too much power, NKVD compiled reports on discontent with collectivisation in countryside
What happened while pushing through his five year plan
He accused many specialists and engineers of machine breaking and sabotage so they were sent to labour camps
What happened at the industrial party show trial
November 1930
random group of industrialists, mensheviks and SR’s accused of sabotage
What happened as a result of the decree against terrorists
3000 suspected conspirators were rounded up and imprisoned or executed