Terms to Remember Flashcards
how do you change font in CSS?
How do you change the size of text in CSS?
Under the style tag, font-size: px or em
Font-Weight command in CSS?
Makes the text bold
Font-style command in CSS?
Makes the text italic, etc.
Spacing between lines in CSS?
Alignment in CSS
text-decoration in CSS
if you want to underline something, etc.
span tag
groups a selection of text
div tag
groups elements of text
inline element
does not have a new line after it
block element
does have a new line after it
How can you do width for a div?
you can do it by px or by percentange
Transparent area around the box
Border in CSS and aspects?
border: size, dotted or solid, then the color
pads out your text
What do you use “float” for in CSS?
For wrapping text around images; “float: left”; you can also add “width” and “margin” to it
“p.warning {“ what does this do?
It changes anything with a “p” tag with the class “warning” to do whatever you tell it to
“ul. spacey li strong {“ what does this do?
this is a descendent selector. In other words, if you have similar tags throughout the page and need to change a specific tag’s stuff, you can specify that in the unordered list called “spacey” that where there’s a strong list item to change what’s in there
CSS Selectors
Allows you to group certain things you do. For example, if you wanted to group all your headings together with a comma (h1, h2 {)
a: link
this is a pseudo class that selects elements of a webpage that are not a part of the normal structure. Selects all the links that the user has not selected, yet
visited pseudo class
selects all the links the user has visited
hover pseudo class
selects only if the user is hovering over it
active pseudo class
selects what is being clicked
focus pseudo class
tab key to tab around the interface when targeting a link
In the case that two selectors are equally specific in CSS, what happens?
The last one wins. In general, whatever is more specific will take precedence
Inline CSS Styles
styles of CSS you’ll put right after a tag. Separate with a semicolon. Ex: <h1 style="background: salmon; color: white;">
External style sheets
File of CSS rules that we can include on multiple pages. Use the “link” tag for this. Ex: <link></link>
What is the selector in CSS?
The part before the curly brace
What is the property in CSS?
Inside the curly brace, it is the command before the colon
What is the value in CSS?
Inside the curly brace, it is the command after the colon
what is the declaration in CSS?
It’s the command before the colon. Ex: text-align: center
What is the rule in CSS?
The entire block of code
What does the hexadecimal value 10 represent?
What does the hexadecimal value F represent?
Colors are specified in RGB values ranging from 0 to what?
What hexadecimal value represents 255?
The browser-safe color palette consists of a standard of how many colors?
The hexadecimal value #000000 represents which color?
The hexadecimal value #FFFFFF represents which color?
The hexadecimal value #FF0000 represents which color?
Do you have to close an <img></img> tag?
The initial forward slash ( / ) instructs the browser to look for a directory names mysite that is off of the root directory. If this page were on a Web server, the link would refer to the Web server’s Web root directory.
The absence of any initial characters instructs the browser to look for the mysite subdirectory. This subdirectory begins off of the same level as the current page.
The initial two periods and forward slash ( ../ ) instruct the browser to look for a directory names mysite that begins one level higher than the page you are currently viewing.
Top of the Webpage, like the header in a work-processing document.
Defines navigation links, such as hypertext menus to access various pages of the Website.
Website content, such as company services, articles, blogs, images, and videos.
Content that is “aside” from the article content, such as advertisements or news feeds.
Bottom of the Webpage, like the footer in a work-processing document.
What happens after a user has entered information into a Web Form and clicks submit?
Submitting the form uploads or emails the user’s information to the receiving server. Many Web forms also provide a Reset button that clears entered data instead of submitting it, and resets the form fields to the default values.
What do CGI scripts do?
CGI scripts perform this information processing. They receive client input, process data, perform server-side actions such as storage or communications with other servers, and respond to client requests.
What is a commonly used CGI Script?
FormMail; it is written in Perl (Practical Extraction and Report Language)
The <form> tag
The HTML <form> tag creates a user-input Web form by encompassing all the content and fields of the form on the page. The <form> tag is a container tag, so you should include both opening and closing tags. In some older browsers, if you fail to supply the closing </form> tag, the form may not render or may not submit.
method element in forms?
specifies which method the browser will use to send form data to a Web server
action element in forms?
specifies the name and location of the CGI script used to process the form
two values of the method attribute?
get and post
get method
Form data is submitted from a form to the URL of the Webpage for use in a query string. This method sends information in cleartext and is thus less secure.
post method
Form data is posted to the URL specified by the action attribute. Post is the preferred method for sending form data. It can send more characters, although sometimes post requires more processing by the CGI script.
input tag
The <input></input> tag is not a container tag; it stands alone. You use <input></input> to create text boxes, check boxes, radio buttons, and the Submit and Reset buttons.
The <select> tag</select>
The <select> tag is a container tag used to create single-option and multiple-option select lists.</select>
The <textarea> tag</textarea>
The <textarea> tag is a container tag used to create an area for user commends and feedback.</textarea>
Forms and the name attribute
All form field elements share an attribute: name. The name attribute identifies information you receive from a user and associates it with a value you specify. The name attribute helps you organize user input. For example, you could use a series of check boxes to learn about a user’s preferences for gardening, sailing and biking, and you could name the group of boxes “Interests.” Thus when you receive information from the Web form, the names in your results clearly indicate the user’s choices.
Submit and Reset buttons
When you specify the <input></input> tag’s type attribute value as “reset” or “submit”, you create a button that performs a specific action. Clicking the Submit button sends the data from all fields in the form to be processed by the action specified in the <form> tag. Clicking the Reset button clears all form fields instead of submitting the data, and resets fields to their default settings.
Radio buttons
Radio buttons are never used as stand-alone items. They are reserved for two or more mutually exclusive options
Which label attribute is used to “bind” a label element to an input, select, or textarea element?
Identify common types of form elements used to collect user input.
textarea, select, input
Form validation is typically used to
verify credit card information and client phone number
The Document Object Model (DOM) is
cross-platform Application Programming Interface (API) that specifies how objects in a document can be referred to and manipulated through scripting languages.
What is the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW)?
The Internet is the content and the WWW is the delivery infrastructure.
The effect of marketing efforts influencing a particular target market or demographic.
mind share
push technology
You receive a newsletter via email from a business because you previously joined their mailing list
co-location web hosting solution
The service provider allocates space for your equipment.
You provide the server hardware, and the provider supplies space and necessary bandwidth for your server.
Identify eCommerce payment technologies.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
Payment Gateway
3-D Secure
What is JDBC and what is its purpose?
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) is database connection method, used for many systems.
A traditional technology that is platform independent (i.e., you can install it on any server-based operating system). Once you install the Perl interpreter on the system, you can run Perl-based applications.
PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)
A technology that will run on multiple platforms. Once you install the PHP interpreter on the system, you can create applications.
A proprietary technology designed to be easier to install and use than other interpreters and languages.
An open-source Web framework written to help developers use the Python language. It is meant to be a fast-development platform.
An open-source Web framework written to help developers use the Python language. It is meant to be a fast-development platform.
A programming methodology that enables Web applications to interact with users in much the same way they do with desktop applications. You can use Ajax to create dynamic and interactive Webpages without the need to refresh or reload the page.
An object-oriented programming language based on Perl and Smalltalk. It has powerful capabilities, but is easier to use than many other languages, including Java and C#.
Push technology
Any technology that automatically provides information to a customer list. In legitimate cases, the customer initially makes a request to be placed on the list. Customers receive information until they ask to be removed. One example of
push technology is a mailing list server. Illegitimate examples of push technology include spam.
Pull technology
Any technology that provides information to a customer only upon request. A more standard way to disseminate information from a server. For example, whenever you download a file from a Website or collect your email, you are using pull technology.
Vertical portal
a portal dedicated to one specific interest or field (e.g., women’s health, network security, sports or politics), also called a “vortal.” Each linked site on a vertical portal maintains a topical focus. Examples include CNET (www.cnet.com), Slashdot (http://slashdot.org/) and Zillow (www.zillow.com). Intranets and extranets are also examples of vertical portals because they provide links to external sites and are dedicated to a specific topic: the businesses that host them. Intranets are sometimes known as corporate portals.
Horizontal portal
a portal that provides links to various Websites with no particular focus. Examples include Google (www.google.com)and Yahoo! (www.yahoo.com) . Each of these sites contains links to other sites, but linked sites represent diverse interests (e.g., travel, news, shopping), rather than one focus.
protocol that enables operating systems to map file name extensions to corresponding applications
Flat-file database
Information is stored in a single table, often in a simple text file. The Windows registry is an example of a flat-file database.
Non-relational database
Information is stored statically. Information can be searched but cannot be reorganized or placed into another database.
Relational database
Information can be sorted, altered, and placed into other databases for retrieval.
Object-oriented database
A newer form with the capabilities of a relational database, plus greater storage and search efficiency.
Structured Query Language (SQL)
After you have created several data tables, you can query them to glean information. Generally, if you want to query a relational database, you use Structured Query Language (SQL).
The legal ownership of expression by an author. According to most developed countries, copyrighted intellectual property becomes the property of the author for a certain number of years. Copyright protection ensures that the person or group who owns the copyright has the right to publish or otherwise distribute material, and control how it is redistributed. In most countries, a copyright can be sold by its owner.
A unique word, phrase or symbol that is claimed or officially registered by an organization with the government. Trademarks can include logos, phrases, brands, company names and so forth. If a logo, word or phrase is trademarked, then only the organization that registered it can use it.
Which two form elements should use the same name for groups of related elements?
Which request method should be used in a form to append parameters into a query string?
Which tag is a valid form field for exclusive use in HTML5?
What are Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets (SASS) used for with regard to adding functionality?
As a CSS extension language for preprocessing
Which HTML tag is used to display text exactly as it is defined in the HTML markup?
Which CSS state selectors show uninspected HREFs in red?
a:link { color:red; }
Which attribute is used to specify the format of a video file?
Which two points are specified when defining a circular hot spot?
Which table element is always required when adding a table to an HTML page?
Which symbol with an href value tells the browser to look for an anchor within the current document?
Hash (#)
What are two characteristics of <!DOCTYPE>?
Notifies a web browser to use HTML5 standard
Read by an HTML validation engine
Which hosting option allows a company to ship specific hardware to the provider?
Colocation service
An organization plans to update a web page that has a multitiered architecture. The developer needs to ensure that the web page will function as expected before deploying the updates.
Where should the developer perform regression testing?
On a clone of production machines
Which table property has top, bottom, and middle values?
Which tag should be added to ensure a responsive design in a web page, and which will be accessed from a variety of devices?
Which tag uses the manifest attribute to enable the offline support for a web page?
Which HTML5 element has a poster attribute?
What is a characteristic of a virtual server?
Multiple sites are hosted on individual servers.
Which visual element does not change when applying Heading tags?
the font-family property
What is the Document Object Model (DOM)?
a cross-platform and language-independent API
What attribute would you apply to the <audio> element to play a file over & over again without stopping?</audio>
What is a Web Application Framework?
Sets of software tools for development purposes
Form validation is typically used for the following purposes
To validate the correct data type for an input field
Which line of HTML code creates a multiple-option select list in a Web form?
According to the Waterfall Model, a standard for software development, the web page life cycle can be defined as a succession of the following phases:
requirements analysis, where the goals and objectives for the web page are identified;
design, where the web page is planned;
implementation, where the actual web page is developed;
testing, where the implementation is verified;
deployment, where the web page is made available;
maintenance, where the web page code may require patches or adjustments.
site map
Represents a blueprint of the various web pages and content contained within a website. The site map can serve as a structural component that helps locate and reinforce web page organization.
The distinctive set of features that define and represent an organization; can include elements such as logos, color, taglines, or jingles.
A common usage of the viewport tag
instruct the browser to use the screen width of the device as the width for the page content: <meta name”viewport” content=”width=device-width”>
Which phase of the web page life cycle is concerned with deprecated hyperlinks?
trade secrets
A type of intellectual property that comprise formulas, practices, processes, designs, instruments, patterns, or compilations of information that have inherent economic value because they are not generally known or readily ascertainable by others, and which the owner takes reasonable measures to keep secret.
A working sample for reviewing format, layout, or content.
An open source, high-level programming language; it can run on Mac, Windows, and Unix systems and has also been ported to Java and .NET virtual machines.
Stands for Practical Extraction and Report Language; a scripting language which uses a syntax similar to C/C++; it is commonly used by Web programmers to create scripts for Web servers.
An open-source object-oriented programming language.
An Active Scripting language developed by Microsoft that is modeled on Visual Basic; it allows Microsoft Windows system administrators to generate powerful tools for managing computers with error handling, subroutines, and other advanced programming constructs.
An open-source, server-side web-application framework designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages.
Which language is most commonly used as a client-side scripting language in web development?
JavaScript is the usual script language native to web page development, and is primarily used as a client-side scripting language (although JavaScript can also be used server-side as well).
For images, the standard formats best viewed in most browsers include:
jpg, png, and gif
For audio, the following formats are supported by the <audio> element:</audio>
mp3, wav, ogg
For videos, the following formats are supported by the <video> element:</video>
mp4, webm, ogg
(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) type is specified on a web server in order to identify the type of file that is being sent to a web browser. This is done based on the file’s extension.
cloud computing
Refers to applications and services offered over the Internet. These services are offered from data centers all over the world, which collectively are referred to as the “cloud.” This metaphor represents the intangible, yet universal nature of the Internet.
Why server virtualization?
A website host can run multiple websites across a single physical server, rather than needing a physical server for each website. In fact, each virtual server can include multiple customers hosted on each virtual web server. This reduces the hosting providers’ costs, which ultimately translates to lower hosting expenses for the website owner. Ultimately, the ability to better utilize physical server resources allows for greater scale in web server deployments.
Which of the following Internet marketing practices is a technique that enables you to list your site high in search engine rankings by advertising on keywords that describe your product or service?
PPC (Pay-Per-Click)
Which of the following Internet marketing practices is a business (usually Web-based) that markets and sells goods and services that it does not own or store?
Which of the following languages is a universal technology that uses the Java interpreter?
Which of the following languages is a proprietary technology that allows you to use various languages, including JavaScript, VBScript, Visual Basic, or C#?
a stylesheet language that’s compiled to CSS. It allows you to use variables, nested rules, mixins, functions, and more, all with a fully CSS-compatible syntax. Sass helps keep large stylesheets well-organized and makes it easy to share design within and across projects.
The controls attribute
adds video controls, like play, pause, and volume.
The poster attribute
specifies an image to be shown while the video is downloading, or until the user hits the play button. If this is not included, the first frame of the video will be used instead.
The <source></source> element
allows you to specify alternative video files which the browser may choose from. The browser will use the first recognized format.
The HTML 4.01 Recommendation (released in 1999) contained many improvements from HTML 3.2, most notably
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). You can access this standard at www.w3.org/TR/html4/. The 4.01 specification included minor modifications to the 4.0 specification.
Extensible Markup Language (XML)
a language used to describe data elements on a Webpage. XML enhances the structure and navigation of data. It is not used to format the page’s appearance. Businesses use XML because it allows data to be interchanged with all types of applications.
In HTML, what is a container?
Part of a web document body that has opening and closing tags.
What type of HTML element fills the minimum space possible in the parent container and can only contain text or other elements of this type?
inline element
What HTML attribute should be used if a <form>…</form> field contains binary data, such as an image, that the normal format of the query string is not sufficient to encode?
Which <input></input> attribute provides a hint to the user about the information being requested?
Which attribute inside the <label>…</label> element is used to associate the label with a widget?
Which input element attribute limits the number of characters the user can type in a text box or password field?
True or false? The <audio>...</audio> element can play audio as soon as the audio file has downloaded to the browser
True or false? The AAC and MP3 audio formats are supported by nearly all web browsers.
Select the four (4) <input></input> types that exist for entering specific types of text.
True or false? Even though it may not be required, a web developer should always use the closing tag to mark the end of the tag content.
True or false? The use of self-closing element tags should be avoided.
True or false? A boolean attribute is false when present and true when absent
Which of the following are HTML5 semantic tags? Select all that apply
XML simplifies the coding process regarding which of the following?
Data Availability
Data Sharing
Data Transport
Platform Changes
True or false? XML does not use predefined tags
True or false? All XML elements must have a closing tag.
What is the XML equivalent to the HTML Doctype declaration?
The XML prolog
True or false? XML tags are case sensitive
An inline style uses curly braces ({}).
all valid selector types used in CSS
Which selector name correctly matches the CSS selector used
How is an attribute selector created in CSS?
Specified with an attribute name and optional value comparison enclosed in square brackets ([ and ]).
True or false? The pseudo element selector, specified with two colon characters (::) followed by a pseudo-element, matches parts of elements.
the valid ways that we can specify color
Hexadecimal color
HSL color value
RGB color value
RGBA color value