Terms To Know Lab 8 Flashcards
First pair of modified appendages , are found behind then the mouth
- they serve as fangs (spiders) or grasping food and defense
These are the first pair of walking legs in horseshoe crabs
Second pair of modified appendages.
These are usually enlongate and sensory in function (spiders), or in the form of pinchers (scorpions) for food gathering and defense
Spinelike tailpiece (extends behind the abdomen) In merostomata
In spiders, one pair of abdominal appendages persists as the silk producing spinnerets (used to construct the web).
Helps shrimps/lobsters to move easily while swimming (and carry eggs)
In most crustaceans, one or more segments of the thorax have become fused with the head to form a cephalothorax
Jointed appendages
Concerted limbs
- development of these helped arthopods move around (who had trouble before because of their chitinous skeleton)
- they (arthopods)also have specialized muscles to articulate these joints
- these also are equipped with sensory hairs.
In chelicerata (all these animals) Chelicerates are dived into two parts- the cephalothorax and the abdomen
Covers the cephalothorax and looks and acts like a shield
-chelicerae serves as fangs in spiders ( pedipalps are elongate and sensory)
-in scorpions, pedialps serve as pinchers
And scorpions use chelicerae to grasp organs
-in crustacea, thoracic and abdominal appendages are mainly for walking and swimming, but some are highly specialized in function
-in crustacea,daphnia, some appendages are used as antennae)
(Some are Swimmerets in shrimp/lobsters)
Adaptive radiation
A new structure (appendages formed from the exoskeleton) is modified in different descendants and used for many functions and habitats.
- reason for marine success of crustaceans (adaptive radiation dependent on exoskeleton)
Gas exchange structures for horseshoe crabs, spiders/scorpions, crustaceans
- in horseshoe crabs, book gills (leaf-like structures) are used for locomotion and gas exchange
- in spiders/scorpions- book lungs that have parallel pages of structures surrounded by blood. Air enters the chambers by a slit in the body wall and the trachea carries the air to tissues through spiracles
What structures are used for locomotion?
Horseshoe crabs- book gills
Spiders/scorpions- appendanges
Crustaceans- thoracic and abdominal appendages
Function of krill/other microcrustaceans in the ecosystem
Major food sources of large marine anjmsld,filtering bristles, and feed on single celled algae
sexual dimprphism
Male and female of same species differ in size