Terms to Know Flashcards
A legal representative of an insurance company; Producer includes agents and brokers; agents of the insurer
applicant or proposed insured
person applying for insurance
permission to do something
insurable interest
the policy owner facing the possibility of losing something of value in the event of loss
insurance policy
contract between policy owner (and/or insured) and an insurance company agrees to pay the insured or beneficiary for loss caused by specific events
person covered by the insurance policy (may/maynot be the policy owner)
insurer (principle)
company who issues an insurance policy
a person entitled to exercise the rights and privileges in the policy
the money paid to the insurance company for the insurance policy
accidental bodily injury
an unforseen and unintended injury that results from an accident rather than sickness
cafeteria plan
type of employee benefit plan that allows insureds to choose between different types of benefits
termination of an in-force insurance policy, by either the insured or insurer, prior to the expiration date on policy
comprehensive coverage
health insurance that provides coverae for mot types of medical expenses
a specified dollar amount that the insured must pat first before the insurance company will pay the policy benefits
lump sum
a payout method that pays the beneficiary the entire benefit in one payment
termination of an insurance policy at its expiration fate y not offering a continuation of the existing policy or a replacement policy
added to the basic insurance policy to add, modify, or delete policy provisions
an illness, which first manifests itself while the policy is in formce
tax exempt
not subject to taxation
subject to taxation
risk selection and classification process
Guaranteed renewable
a policy that is written on a noncancellable basis with the right to renew guaranteed
irrevocable beneficiary
beneficiary who has vested interest in the policy resulting in the policy owner not being able to exercise certain rights without beneficiaries consent
NAIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners)
An organization composed of insurance commissioners from all 50 States
total disability
inability of the insured to preform any occupation for which the insured is reasonably suited by education, training, or experience.
relinquishment of a right or interest
Adjusted gross income
gross income (all income) minus adjustments to income
Affordable care act (ACA or PPACA)
a federal law that mandates increased preventive, educational, and community-based health care services, and that established the health insurance marketplace to make health coverage available to any uninsured individuals.
a persons net worth
insurance that exceeds in amount the actual value of the person or property insured or insurance in a greater amount than the insured can afford
tax deductible
a qualified expense that may reduce the amount of income subject to taxation
subject to taxation
authorized insurer
insurer who has received a certificate of authority from the department of insurance to transact insurance in this state
business entity
corporation, association, partnership, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or other legal entity
cease and desist
to stop; discontinue
payment to the agent by the insurance company for placing insurance, usually percentage of the policy premiumm
the head of the division of insurance
revealed information to help someone make an intelligent and educated decision
not subject to an obligation
exemption from a duty or legal obligation or protection against a liability
an offer that attempts to influence the other party
moral turpitude
conduct that is contrary to community standards of justice, honesty, or good morals
to make public, to put into action
(laws, court decrees)
ability to meet financial obligations
a formal written law enacted by legislature, insurance statutes can be found i the state insurance code
an order for someone to appear as a witness or submit testimony or evidence
benefit period
a period of time during which benefits are paid under the policy
a person enrolled in a health insurance plan, an insured.
(doesn’t include dependents of the insured)
pre-existing conditions
conditions for which the insured has received a diagnosis, advice care, or treatment during a specific time period prior to the application for health coverage
money paid to the insurance company for the insurance coverage
Social Security Disability insured Status
fully insured or currently insured, depending on the number of coverage credits earned
waiting period
a period of time that must pass after a loss occurs before the insurer start paying policy benefits
someone relying on the insured for support
terminate an insurance policy at its expiration date
PPACA (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act)
a federal law that mandated health care services for all eligible U.S. citizen and nationals
an attempt to persuade a person to buy an insurance policy, and it can be orally or in writting
a requirement to determine if an insurance product is appropriate for a customer
Absolutely true statement upon which the validity of the insurance policy depends
statements believed to be true to the best of ones knowledge